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BRL Flight Arena Infrastructure 2.0
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Iris with camera #88

Closed arthurrichards77 closed 2 years ago

arthurrichards77 commented 2 years ago

Provide a fixed camera on the Iris quadcopter. Plenty of instructions available online but seem to rely on modifications to the URDF. Don’t need a custom mesh - can be a simple box or even invisible. Image should be available as ROS topic. Bonus wish it would be nice if there was some way of customising the key parameters, e.g. the alignment and focal length set by an environment variable at simulator start-up.

arthurrichards77 commented 2 years ago

I can provide a native ROS implementation but will need help packaging.

arthurrichards77 commented 2 years ago

As discussed in #91 this seems to be provided already but would be better if the camera was either downward pointing or with angle settable by parameter in launch file. Doesn’t need to be mobile though, ie dynamically moveable. Suggest using our own SDF based on PX4’s iris_fpv_cam but with an rpy element added to the connecting joint.