I recently reinstalled my linux server, so I backup the player file and when I start my server, it does not work anymore while everything runs before
2017-09-21 14:37:52 - ERROR - starrypy # Error during server startup.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./server.py", line 205, in init
File "/home/play/Starbound/Plugin/plugin_manager.py", line 128, in resolve_dependencies
p = classes[name]()
File "/home/play/Starbound/Plugin/plugins/player_manager.py", line 219, in init
self.shelf = Cupboard(self.plugin_config.player_db)
File "/home/play/Starbound/Plugin/utilities.py", line 247, in init
v = io.BytesIO(db[k])
KeyError: b'(h\x05jY'
2017-09-21 14:37:52 - WARNING - starrypy # Exiting
`Ps :
I use Python 3.5.2
If I start the server with a new db it works perfectly
When I reinstalled my linux machine I only saved the player file, the rest of the plugin I downloaded it back to the github, when i rebooted the server i got this error i had never had before.
I recently reinstalled my linux server, so I backup the player file and when I start my server, it does not work anymore while everything runs before
`Ps : I use Python 3.5.2