[ ] User should be able to choose to run a Tor exit or non-exit (bridge/guard/middle) relay
[ ] User should be able to control the bandwidth that he wants to allow for Tor traffic
[ ] When the user selects an exit node, the user should to and know how to respond to abuse messages (usualy within 24h)
[ ] For an exit node, the ip address that is visible to the outside world should have a active web page that describes that he is a Tor exit node
[ ] On a exit node user should be able to decide whitch Tor traffic he wants to pass through - port restrictions
[ ] On a exit node, user shoud be alble to set an email address for ContactInfo, that is made public
[ ] On a exit node user should know the relevant legal paragraphs for common-carrier like communication services in his country like Netherlands: Artikel 6:196c BW / Germany: TMG 8 and 15. / Austria: ECG 13 / USA: DMCA 512