StartAutomating / HelpOut

A Helpful Toolkit for Managing PowerShell Help
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`Get/Save-Maml -IncludeAlias(es)` #178

Open potatoqualitee opened 3 months ago

potatoqualitee commented 3 months ago

Any chance some sort of support can be added for aliases? maybe duplicate info if I say -IncludeAliases?

I'm using HelpOut in my GPTs and I upload the XML files but now that New-UDDashboard is New-UDApp, it's losing its mind.

But then get-help -examples new-uddashboard returns some results for New-UDApp

StartAutomating commented 3 months ago

@potatoqualitee are you talking about Save-Maml? Save-MarkdownHelp has a few aliasing options.