StartAutomating / PSDevOps

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get-adoteam doesn't return full list of teams #171

Open JJKW1984 opened 1 year ago

JJKW1984 commented 1 year ago

It appears this command doesn't get all teams available in the organization which is a different API.

It also only lists a small group of teams inside a specific project, and I don't see a way to indicate top or skip params:

JJKW1984 commented 1 year ago

@StartAutomating Do you if this is me doing something wrong or if it is a real bug?

StartAutomating commented 1 year ago

@JJKW1984 It's neither. It's just that Azure DevOps is a bit of a punk when it comes to API naming.

Teams are a concept that is truly locked down to a specific, well, team.

All Teams are implicitly users in their own right.

So you can see all of the users and teams throughout an org with Get-ADOUser, not Get-ADOTeam, because that's what the underlying apis support.

Get-ADOUser -Organization $myOrg should give you all of the users.

I'm sorry this part of Azure DevOps is so wonky.

It took me a while to figure out, too.

Let me know if you need any more help.

JJKW1984 commented 1 year ago

@StartAutomating That is strange. I agree the DevOps API is wonky. You made a good point in your last video - Microsoft should use openapi. But alas, company priorities. I'm still trying to learn this code base and match our implementation to this much better version. Thanks for all your work!

I think teams as part of the core API has its own end points:

When I use get-ADOTeams and it indeed returns what would be expected but hits a max return size.

When I wrote a part of our internal VSTSLibrary and I ended up using this sloppy solution:$org/_apis/teams?$top=5000 which returns all the teams vs the normal return which is think is something like 200.


I don't see how to grab all teams via Get-ADOUser.

StartAutomating commented 1 year ago


It does look like that API is covered.

It appears to be the default parameter set of Get-ADOTeam.

I wonder, are you using Connect-ADO with a -Project?

JJKW1984 commented 1 year ago

I couldn't find a call the core teams api just the projects/api. What line number is that in get-adoteams?

I don't see a -project parm on the connect-ado command.

I am doing: connect-ADO -Organization $org -PersonalAccessToken (Get-Content .\pat.txt) `$teams = Get-ADOTeam' This which returns all the correct data but only the first 100 of the 3500 or so teams.

StartAutomating commented 1 year ago


This may be a pagination issue then. This is another thing Azure DevOps does inconsistently.

Could you try using Invoke-ADORestApi to call the api directly (providing $top=100&$skip=0)?