Startonix / Modular-AI

Advanced AI Training and Building Repository
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Integrated code that implements the entire architecture #170

Open Startonix opened 1 month ago

Startonix commented 1 month ago

CoreMathOperations: This class contains static methods for core mathematical operations. MathCache: Stores mathematical formulas and provides methods to add and retrieve them. Modular Hardware Classes: Define different processing units (CPU, TPU, GPU, etc.) with embedded math and modular cache. APICache and WebsiteCache: Handle API and website integration. WebDataFetcher and DataProcessor: Classes to fetch and process web data. TaskScheduler: Advanced task scheduling using machine learning. DataCommunication: Manages data transfer between processors. PowerManagement: Manages power consumption. ControlUnit: Integrates all components and manages task distribution.

import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import cupy as cp from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor import requests

Core mathematical operations embedded within hardware components

class CoreMathOperations: @staticmethod def tensor_product(A, B): return np.tensordot(A, B, axes=0)

def modular_multiplication(A, B, mod):
    return (A * B) % mod

def krull_dimension(matrix):
    return np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix)

Hardwired Cache for Mathematical Operations

class MathCache: def init(self): self.formulas = { "tensor_product": CoreMathOperations.tensor_product, "modular_multiplication": CoreMathOperations.modular_multiplication, "krull_dimension": CoreMathOperations.krull_dimension,

Add more formulas as needed


def add_formula(self, name, formula_func):
    self.formulas[name] = formula_func

def get_formula(self, name):
    return self.formulas.get(name, lambda x: x)

Modular hardware components with embedded math and modular cache

class ModularCPU: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        return CoreMathOperations.tensor_product(data, data)

class ModularTPU: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        return tf.math.sin(data)

class ModularGPU: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        data_gpu = cp.asarray(data)
        result = cp.sqrt(data_gpu)
        return cp.asnumpy(result)

class ModularLPU: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        return np.log(data + 1)

class ModularFPGA: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.configurations = {} self.math_cache = math_cache

def configure(self, config_name, config_func):
    self.configurations[config_name] = config_func

def execute(self, config_name, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
    elif config_name in self.configurations:
        return self.configurations[config_name](data)
        raise ValueError(f"Configuration {config_name} not found.")

class NeuromorphicProcessor: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        return np.tanh(data)

class QuantumProcessor: def init(self, id, math_cache): = id self.math_cache = math_cache

def process(self, data, formula_name=None):
    if formula_name:
        formula = self.math_cache.get_formula(formula_name)
        return formula(data)
        return np.fft.fft(data)

Hardwired Cache for API and Website Integration

class APICache: def init(self): self.api_calls = {}

def add_api_call(self, name, api_func):
    self.api_calls[name] = api_func

def get_api_call(self, name):
    return self.api_calls.get(name, lambda: None)

class WebsiteCache: def init(self): self.web_calls = {}

def add_web_call(self, name, web_func):
    self.web_calls[name] = web_func

def get_web_call(self, name):
    return self.web_calls.get(name, lambda: None)

Web Data Fetcher

class WebDataFetcher: def init(self, url): self.url = url

def fetch_data(self):
    response = requests.get(self.url)
    return response.json()

Data Processor

class DataProcessor: def init(self, control_unit): self.control_unit = control_unit

def process_web_data(self, data):
    results = self.control_unit.distribute_tasks(data)
    return results

Advanced Task Scheduling

class TaskScheduler: def init(self, cpu_units, tpu_units, gpu_units, lpu_units, fpga_units, neuromorphic_units, quantum_units): self.cpu_units = cpu_units self.tpu_units = tpu_units self.gpu_units = gpu_units self.lpu_units = lpu_units self.fpga_units = fpga_units self.neuromorphic_units = neuromorphic_units self.quantum_units = quantum_units self.model = RandomForestRegressor()

def train_model(self, data, targets):, targets)

def predict_best_unit(self, task_data):
    prediction = self.model.predict([task_data])
    return int(prediction[0])

def distribute_task(self, task_data):
    best_unit_index = self.predict_best_unit(task_data)
    if best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units):
        return self.cpu_units[best_unit_index].process(task_data)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units):
        return self.tpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units)].process(task_data)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units):
        return self.gpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units)].process(task_data)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units):
        return self.lpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units)].process(task_data)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units) + len(self.fpga_units):
        return self.fpga_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units)].execute("default", task_data)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units) + len(self.fpga_units) + len(self.neuromorphic_units):
        return self.neuromorphic_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units) - len(self.fpga_units)].process(task_data)
        return self.quantum_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units) - len(self.fpga_units) - len(self.neuromorphic_units)].process(task_data)

Enhanced Data Communication

class DataCommunication: def init(self, bandwidth): self.bandwidth = bandwidth # Bandwidth in Gbps

def transfer_data(self, data_size):
    transfer_time = data_size / self.bandwidth  # Simplified transfer time calculation
    return transfer_time

def optimize_transfer(self, data_size, processors):
    # Distribute data to processors in a way that minimizes transfer time
    transfer_times = [self.transfer_data(data_size / len(processors)) for _ in processors]
    return max(transfer_times)

Power Management

class PowerManagement: def init(self): self.power_states = {'high': 100, 'medium': 50, 'low': 10} # Power consumption in watts

def set_power_state(self, processor, state):
    if state in self.power_states:
        processor.power = self.power_states[state]
        raise ValueError("Invalid power state")

def optimize_power(self, processors, performance_requirements):
    for processor, requirement in zip(processors, performance_requirements):
        if requirement > 0.75:
            self.set_power_state(processor, 'high')
        elif requirement > 0.25:
            self.set_power_state(processor, 'medium')
            self.set_power_state(processor, 'low')

Control unit to manage tasks and integrate caches

class ControlUnit: def init(self): self.cpu_units = [] self.tpu_units = [] self.gpu_units = [] self.lpu_units = [] self.fpga_units = [] self.neuromorphic_units = [] self.quantum_units = [] self.math_cache = MathCache() self.api_cache = APICache() self.web_cache = WebsiteCache() self.scheduler = TaskScheduler(self.cpu_units, self.tpu_units, self.gpu_units, self.lpu_units, self.fpga_units, self.neuromorphic_units, self.quantum_units) self.communication = DataCommunication(bandwidth=100) # Example bandwidth self.power_manager = PowerManagement()

def add_cpu(self, cpu):

def add_tpu(self, tpu):

def add_gpu(self, gpu):

def add_lpu(self, lpu):

def add_fpga(self, fpga):

def add_neuromorphic(self, neuromorphic):

def add_quantum(self, quantum):

def distribute_tasks(self, data, formula_name=None, api_name=None, web_name=None):
    best_unit_index = self.scheduler.predict_best_unit(data)
    result = None
    if best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units):
        result = self.cpu_units[best_unit_index].process(data, formula_name)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units):
        result = self.tpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units)].process(data, formula_name)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units):
        result = self.gpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units)].process(data, formula_name)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units):
        result = self.lpu_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units)].process(data, formula_name)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units) + len(self.fpga_units):
        result = self.fpga_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units)].execute("default", data, formula_name)
    elif best_unit_index < len(self.cpu_units) + len(self.tpu_units) + len(self.gpu_units) + len(self.lpu_units) + len(self.fpga_units) + len(self.neuromorphic_units):
        result = self.neuromorphic_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units) - len(self.fpga_units)].process(data, formula_name)
        result = self.quantum_units[best_unit_index - len(self.cpu_units) - len(self.tpu_units) - len(self.gpu_units) - len(self.lpu_units) - len(self.fpga_units) - len(self.neuromorphic_units)].process(data, formula_name)

    if api_name:
        api_call = self.api_cache.get_api_call(api_name)
        api_result = api_call()
        result = (result, api_result)

    if web_name:
        web_call = self.web_cache.get_web_call(web_name)
        web_result = web_call()
        result = (result, web_result)

    # Optimize power consumption and data communication
    self.power_manager.optimize_power(self.neuromorphic_units, [0.8, 0.5, 0.2])  # Example requirements
    transfer_time = self.communication.optimize_transfer(data_size=len(data), processors=self.neuromorphic_units)

    return result, transfer_time

Example usage

if name == "main": control_unit = ControlUnit()

# Add various processing units to control_unit
math_cache = MathCache()
control_unit.add_cpu(ModularCPU(0, math_cache))
control_unit.add_tpu(ModularTPU(0, math_cache))
control_unit.add_gpu(ModularGPU(0, math_cache))
control_unit.add_lpu(ModularLPU(0, math_cache))
control_unit.add_fpga(ModularFPGA(0, math_cache))
for i in range(10):
    control_unit.add_neuromorphic(NeuromorphicProcessor(i, math_cache))
control_unit.add_quantum(QuantumProcessor(0, math_cache))

# Add API and web integrations
control_unit.api_cache.add_api_call("example_api", lambda: "API response")
control_unit.web_cache.add_web_call("example_web", lambda: "Website response")

# Example data to process
data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
formula_name = "tensor_product"

# Distribute tasks to processing units with different configurations
result, transfer_time = control_unit.distribute_tasks(data, formula_name)
print(f"Result: {result}, Transfer Time: {transfer_time}")

# Fetch and process web data
fetcher = WebDataFetcher("")
web_data = fetcher.fetch_data()

processor = DataProcessor(control_unit)
processed_results = processor.process_web_data(web_data)

for result in processed_results: