StatBiomed / SpatialDM

Spatial direct messaging detected by bivariate Moran
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Help with the simulations from the paper #22

Open hiraksarkar opened 1 year ago

hiraksarkar commented 1 year ago


Great paper and package. Thanks alot for making the code open source. I am trying to simulate the dataset for benchmarking cell-cell interaction tools following the Figure 1 f,g,h of the paper. I read the an adapted version of SVCA is being used for simulation. However I am unable to find the source code (or scripts for running SVCA) to generate or reproduce the ROC plots from the paper. It would be great to get some pointers to simulate the data as described.

Thanks again, Best

leeyoyohku commented 11 months ago

Hi @hiraksarkar ,

Thanks for your question and patience. I didn't include simulation codes because it was mostly identical to SVCA. Please see the adapted codes below and refer to SVCA when needed. Note that you need to stack the simulated counts for each scenario afterwards. Also you need to turn the negatively correlated simulations to positive manually. We didn't explore other possibilities to simulate spatial interaction data, so it may not be the best approach especially after a year of submission.

  import numpy as np
  import scipy as s
  import pandas as pd
  from svca.models.model1 import Model1
  from svca.simulations.from_real import FromRealSimulation
  from import *
  from svca.util_functions import utils
  import sys
  from limix.utils.preprocess import covar_rescaling_factor_efficient
  from copy import deepcopy

  def run(data_dir, protein_index, output_dir, bootstrap_index,
          normalisation='standard', permute=False):
      # reading all data
      expression_file = data_dir + 'exp.txt'
      position_file = data_dir+'pos.txt'
      # protein_name, phenotype, X = pr names, pr expr values, positions
      db = pd.read_csv('/CellChatDB_db2.csv',
      protein_names, phenotypes, X = utils.read_data(expression_file,

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # protein_name = protein_names[protein_index, :]
    protein_name = db.index[protein_index]
    phenotype = phenotypes[:, (protein_names==protein_name.split("_")[0])[:,0]]
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    sel = np.arange(phenotypes.shape[1])
    sel =list(sel[pd.Series(protein_names[:,0]).isin(db.loc[protein_name,
                                                  ['R1', 'R2']].dropna().values).values])
    kin_from = phenotypes[:, sel] # remove the selected pr
    N_samples = X.shape[0]

    # permuting cells
    if permute:
        perm = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
        X = X[perm, :]

    # do simulations
    sim = FromRealSimulation(X, phenotype[:,0], kin_from)
    file_prefix = protein_name
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size = None) 'nul/'+file_prefix, Y_sim)
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size=0.25) 'rescale25/' + file_prefix, Y_sim)
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size=0.99) 'full/' + file_prefix, Y_sim)
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size=0.75) 'rescale75/' + file_prefix, Y_sim)
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size=0.5) 'half/' + file_prefix, Y_sim)
    Y_sim = sim.simulate(interactions_size = 0.99) 'full/'+file_prefix, Y_sim)

    # run model on simulated data
    # intrinsic and environmental term
    cterms = ['intrinsic', 'environmental']
    model = Model1(Y_sim, X, norm=normalisation, oos_predictions=0., cov_terms=cterms, kin_from=kin_from)

    file_prefix = protein_name[0] + '_' + str(bootstrap_index) + '_local'
    write_variance_explained(model, output_dir, file_prefix) # local_effects
    write_LL(model, output_dir, file_prefix) # LL

    int_param = model.intrinsic_cov.getParams()
    env_param = model.environmental_cov.getParams()
    noise_param = model.noise_cov.getParams()

    # add cell-cell interactions

    LL = np.Inf
    for i in range(5):
        if i == 0:
            int_bk = int_param
            local_bk = env_param
            noise_bk = noise_param
            scale_interactions = True
            int_bk = int_param * s.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(int_param))
            local_bk = env_param * s.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(env_param))
            noise_bk = noise_param * s.random.uniform(0.8, 1.2, len(noise_param))
            scale_interactions = False
        model.set_initCovs({'intrinsic': int_bk,
                        'noise': noise_bk,
        if scale_interactions:
            model.use_scale_down = False

        if < LL:
            LL =
            saved_params =
    file_prefix = protein_name[0] + '_' + str(bootstrap_index) + '_interactions'
    write_variance_explained(model, output_dir, file_prefix)
    write_r2(model, output_dir, file_prefix)
    write_LL(model, output_dir, file_prefix)
    # write_Ks(model, output_dir, file_prefix)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
      data_dir = sys.argv[1]
      output_dir = sys.argv[2]
      protein_index = int(0)
      bootstrap_index = 1
      normalisation =  'quantile'

      run(data_dir, protein_index, output_dir, bootstrap_index, normalisation)
hiraksarkar commented 11 months ago

Hi @leeyoyohku

Thanks for replying. Assuming "CellChatDB_db2.csv" is a standard cellchat database I assume the R1 and R2 are possible receptors? Am I right? I am actually trying to reproduce the plot in Figure 1f. Can you please share the script for that? Precisely I want to check the ROC score for a few different methods for benchamrking. Thanks!