[ ] the selection of l value for the spatial weight matrix (needs to be more automated & more intuitive instructions
[ ] make the z-score method as default (especially for large samples); we may instead mention permutation in the text
[ ] plotting: local ligand/receptor (single color, e.g., white to red)
[ ] trying to replace spatialDE with SparseAEH
[ ] pathway enrichment: make a new function (ideally intro in API): query gene list(s), background gene list, pathway database -> results as data frame (n_pathway - by - columns: total_gene, overlapped_genes, qury_genes, background_mapped_gene, background_upmapped_genes, p-value
[ ] possibly explore another format of the pl.global_plot(), for example, the p-value is mainly binary for now, not very informative for the significant level
[ ] maybe also consider minimizing the required dependent pkg
Some draft tasks, please keep adding:
, for example, the p-value is mainly binary for now, not very informative for the significant level