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Documentation for the Advanced Analytics Workspace Platform
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Kubeflow: New User Namespace -> Research #1909

Closed wg102 closed 6 months ago

wg102 commented 6 months ago

New feature for AAW 2.0

-> When a new user logs in for the first time, show the 'create a namespace' pop up. -> Let them select the name of their namespace? (What happens if multiple people have the same name? -> Use numbers?) -> On creation of the namespace, create a notebook. (Link between kubeflow and jupyter-apis? Have a trigger?) -> What image for the notebook? (Do we want to create a new image, or use an existing one?) -> Specs of the notebook: TODO

wg102 commented 6 months ago

Creation of notebook is handled by a call to the api

It might also be done through a kubectl apply of a kubernetes resource. We could have a template to create the notebook, including the specs and image. Have a logic for the name, or something simple like "default" or such.

wg102 commented 6 months ago

Create a new namespace is a feature in the kubeflow repo, specifically under central dashboard. (ref 1). ref 2

We will need to make sure only some email adresses are accepted. (Can anyone with the link create a namespace or do they need to be on a previous list?)

Name of the namespace?

wg102 commented 6 months ago

It appears that the registration page has at some point being removed, or changed to become the landing page. Therefore, the code will need to be changed back to be the registration page again. The comment again has 2 links, which are two of the commits in which the registration page was touched, but it does not seem to be deleted in those. Some more investigation will be needed.

wg102 commented 6 months ago

Modified this ticket to set it up as a research ticket. Then 2 more will be created, the work, and the deployment. But not sure about the deployment

wg102 commented 6 months ago

Still need to figure out the exact specs of the image, but since it's another piece, it can be done later.

Any image could be used for now. Just as, I think the best way to try is for now, to get the code to react to my username instead of 'no username' so it will trigger every time and will be a lot easier to test.

This task will need the popop, the name generation (depending if there is already a user with that username), and the notebook starting.