StatCan / jupyter-apis

A Golang replacement for the Kubeflow Jupyter Web APIs / Un remplacement Golang pour les API de Web de Jupyter, partie de Kubeflow
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fix-1.6 Add Pro B volumes #141

Closed wg102 closed 2 years ago

wg102 commented 2 years ago
This ticket is part of the work to re-apply for the 1.6 upgrade for jupyter apis. The original work was done in these tickets: Original Title Date Description PR # Note
fix(prob volumes) 21/09/22 StatCan/jupyter-apis@da808ea 63 prob Volume
fix(use the better label) 21/09/22 StatCan/jupyter-apis@e0a6302 64 add-prob-volv2
add prob volume label 21/09/29 StatCan/jupyter-apis@24e2ce1 66 prob-volume-label

This seems to relate to adding pro B volumes to the notebook creation process

Jose-Matsuda commented 2 years ago

The commits here are all related to the backend meaning this is likely Christian (not the Religion) work. So this is already done / out of my hands I think.

I did however spend just a bit of time confirming things just in case someone winds up here;

1) These changes are in notebooks.go, something that again Christian is working on and looking at his commit here where he links the POST for notebook creation, I think we are fine. Could come up in his issue regarding auditing endpoints so we will see.

2) Recall that the dropdown is populated by PodDefaults which we can find in the aaw-kubeflow-profiles-controller

Minor correction, this may be the correct issue