StatCan / wellBeingCheck

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Infostat: Enabling Notifications Instructions #369

Open T-T-Nguyen opened 2 years ago

T-T-Nguyen commented 2 years ago

I misread the instructions for ranking anxiety levels one day and so show one really anxious day when I meant to be not at all anxious. Can I correct that? I also note that I receive updates on my iPad but not on my phone, even though I’ve tried to turn on notifications and other permissions. That means that I’m not always getting the questionnaires in a timely manner. Do you have instructions on how to enable them for an iPhone? @ForumG-SC @Jiandong-Guo @AJBouzidi

Jiandong-Guo commented 2 years ago

For anxious day:

Can not correct on the phone side, because the data is saved to the backend server. if it is just one day wrong-input, may not worth to ask data side to correct for you. if you really want to correct it, you have to ask CMP side to open database to make change for you. It's very hard, because the data was saved by DeviceId which is saved on your phone, but that DeviceId is hidden from user, so you have no ways to get it.

Possible Solution: Only possible way is if you still remember the first name and last name you inputted when you did the surveyA(better along with your security answer), for example you were using your real name, the database side may search your name and try to find your deviceId, and correct your answer for a specific survey B.

If you had and still remember your survey code that StatCan mailed to you and you did input it, The CMP side can search that code for you too.

Note: this survey supose to be anonymous!! This question need to addressed to the CMP side as the mobile application doesn't know how to change the Survey data in the backend. We just can gave a suggestion how to change the data, this solution need to be validated at CMP side.

Enable a notification on Iphone: For how to enable notification on iphone(system and app level), Ali (@AJBouzidi)may have document on confluence somewhere. typically, First turn on the system level notification in your phone system setting(better search on how to turn on notification for your specific iphone) , second, the app level, turn on the notification switch in setting screen, then finish a survey B, the notification should be scheduled for you.

Link how to use notifictioin on the Iphone.,in%20the%20scheduled%20notification%20summary.


Jiandong-Guo commented 2 years ago

if you had and still remember your the survey code that the StatCan mailed to you and you did input it, The CMP side can search that code for you too.