StatTag / StatWrap

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Allow cloning projects #10

Open lrasmus opened 3 years ago

lrasmus commented 3 years ago

Allow users to clone a project directory into another directory. This should work similar to the template feature.

Expected behavior:

  1. You have a directory with a collection of files and folders
  2. In StatWrap, you click "+ next to "Projects" from the main screen
  3. From the list of options you select "Clone Directory"
  4. StatWrap asks you to configure:
    1. The project root directory to clone (similar UI as "Existing Directory") - for the example let's say this is C:\Projects\Project1
    2. The project name (e.g., "Project2") and base directory to clone into (similar UI as "New Project") - let's say C:\Projects
  5. When you click "Create Project", StatWrap should (using the example configuration from 4)
    1. Create C:\Projects\Project2
    2. Within C:\Projects\Project2, create copies of all folders in Project1. Note that this is only the folder structure. None of the files in Project1 should be copied over. The exception is that any (per *nix standard) 'hidden' folders - those prefixed with a period - should not be be copied. For example, .statwrap configuration folder and .git should NOT be copied over (if they exist).
    3. Establish the .statwrap configuration folder and corresponding configuration files

In our example, if we have: C:\Projects\Project1, with files/folders:

Then C:\Projects\Project2, at the end of the clone operation, should contain:

Abhijay007 commented 4 months ago

Hi @lrasmus can you please provide more details on this issue?

lrasmus commented 4 months ago

Thanks @Abhijay007 for requesting more info! Please let me know if I can help clarify or provide any other information.

Abhijay007 commented 4 months ago

Thanks @Abhijay007 for requesting more info! Please let me know if I can help clarify or provide any other information.

Thanks for the details @lrasmus, looking into this