State-of-the-Edge / old-landscape

State of the Edge Landscape
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Weak Criteria #11

Closed dtoubelis closed 6 years ago

dtoubelis commented 6 years ago

I wonder what your qualification criteria is. In my opinion 90% of companies listed here have nothing to do with edge computing. It is no secret that every business will try to benefit from any new hype and will do anything to put their name in the context. But when somebody endorses those businesses I would highly question credibility of their reports and rather treat them rather as paid marketing than anything meaningful.

In my opinion there are only 3 category to edge computing:

So, out of your list some 10% of mentioned companies have anything to do with the above 3 categories.

BTW, I would consider cloud to be irrelevant for edge computing. It has some uses now but it is on its way to be obsoleted by fog computing.

mtrifiro commented 6 years ago

We define edge computing to include the infrastructure edge in addition to the device edge. I have personal knowledge of legitimate edge computing efforts for the majority of the companies and groups mentioned.

That said, we would welcome additions from you areas of expertise.