State-of-the-Edge / old-landscape

State of the Edge Landscape
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Add KMesh to "Edge Relevant Software" #17

Open vinaygao opened 5 years ago

vinaygao commented 5 years ago

Describe the new landscape entry Multicloud. Data Sovereignty. Edge Data. KMesh sells software (SaaS) that transforms your distributed data, which exists over multiple clouds, countries and edges, into a single global namespace.

  1. Choose your edges (Vapor IO, Rafay, Ericsson etc.)
  2. Choose your countries, regions, edges (Vapor SFO, Rafay LHR, Ericsson AMS etc)
  3. Install KMesh software on each cloud/edge
  4. Configure your business rules / data orchestration policies through the KMesh portal (Chinese user data on Ericsson, Machine learning data on Vapor IO, IoT data on Rafay etc.) 5. Done.

Additional context

logo suggestion(PNG)

qtunnel commented 5 years ago

@mtrifiro we have briefed Jim Davis and Haseeb Budhani. We're happy to brief you as also. Thanks.

-- Jeff Kim CEO (based in Mountain View, CA)

qtunnel commented 5 years ago

updated logo kmesh-logo-full-hr-large