StateVoicesNational / Spoke

mass-contact text/SMS distribution tool
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Feature Request: auto-skip some messages based on string #1820

Open arena opened 3 years ago

arena commented 3 years ago

Problem A lot of contacts have auto-responders set up for all incoming texts (e.g. "I'm driving (sent from my phone)", and "Talk later?")

Solution incremental features: a. any way to specify strings that trigger and auto-skip b. admin-ui to add strings that make sense for their audience

Frydafly commented 3 years ago

Thanks @arena I'm wondering if this could be incorporated into our existing message handler framework that was created in order to enable a profanity filter and auto-opt out?

arena commented 3 years ago

I think so. Feel free to note that workaround and close.

Frydafly commented 3 years ago

Actually, I'd love to keep this open since I don't think we have a message handler that triggers an auto-skip based off of this!

arena commented 3 years ago

At some point it would be nice to revisit the dueling concepts of past messages and skipped messages. I see it more like unhandled and handled or you could use email for inspiration --- unread, read, sent, archived. If we had an inbox instead of button-buckets of convos we could "skip the inbox" when the contact replies with "I'm driving" or another automated response.

DinahSanders commented 3 years ago

I like that, Arena.

Is there anything else?

arena commented 3 years ago

That sounds like the general idea... and conversations with the only reply of "I'm driving (sent from my iphone)" could have a rule that skips the inbox and lands that convo in the Archived list (because it's effectively handled). I find the "Skipped" list really confusing the way things are now especially since you can "skip" with the skip button or the forward arrow.

Related issue where we should probably hash this out