Statistically-Unlikely-Games / Crimson-Rue

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Update Graphics to 1920x1080 #33

Open noeinan opened 5 years ago

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Update main menu, background art, portraits, textbox, etc.

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Updated title page and menu GUI

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Updated dialoguebox + thoughtbox

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Updated bg images

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Updated narration box

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Increased all character sprites by 120%

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Increased size of all map buttons by 150% and altered positions by making a box with old dimensions and increasing by the same

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Increased size of gathered herbs by 150% (this makes the size wrong in the inventory screens, but I'm going to just switch those to GUI so idk), altered positions by multiplying numbers by 1.5

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Completed new positions on forest001 through forest003, need to do 4-9 still

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Resized textboxes by 150%, cropped to new window size, adjusted the following in gui.rpy to make sure the boxes and text show up in the right positions:

define gui.textbox_height = 278

define gui.name_ypos = 0.05

define gui.dialogue_xpos = 180 define gui.dialogue_ypos = 100

define gui.dialogue_width = 1575

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Changed default text for dialogue and nameplates, was too small before.

define gui.text_size = 30

define gui.name_text_size = 38

Also had to adjust gui.name_ypos to 0.03 to accommodate the larger text