Statistically-Unlikely-Games / Crimson-Rue

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Create Random Generation Pages #63

Open noeinan opened 5 years ago

noeinan commented 5 years ago

New screens for generating gender/sexuality, personality traits, and background details.

Also, need to make it so the Reroll button will randomly create a character from scratch. Ideally, I want to link certain body traits (such as breasts) to assigned gender for dyadic cis people only. (Trans and intersex folks have variations on bodies.)

To that end, the button up top will reroll the entire character, including every page. In code, the gender/sexuality bit will get done before the appearance bit, with the appearance pool based on keywords assigned during gender/sexuality generation.

(Ex. if keyword = cis female then select one from list [chest 2, chest 3, chest 4] if keyword = cis male then select one from list [chest 1, chest 13, chest 14]) if keyword = trans male etc.)

Probably rolling for assigned sex should be invisible, and instead based on those invisible rolls their gender will be displayed as "trans male" "cis female" "genderfluid" etc. Sexuality should be similar.

Since this will consolidate the tables quite a lot, it would be best to include a small explanation blurb under each identity. Like, if genderfluid it will explain what genderfluid is and then say which genders they switch between and how often. If one gender is stable or not. (Ex. gender pivot.)

Eventually, I would like the ability for the user to change statistics on each body part, but we'll cross that bridge later lol.