Statistically-Unlikely-Games / Crimson-Rue

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Update GUI #71

Open noeinan opened 4 years ago

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Create and implement GUI that is more in line with the Crimson Rue's theme and mood

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Created a new textbox on 19.08.22, including thoughtbox and dialoguebox variants. Resized to implement into game

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Created basic crafting screen, art incomplete (needs embellishments but this is the same final size so I can use it to get the programming out of the way) on 19.08.23, programmed it into the inventory screen only. Need to polish art, create variants for storage, shops, and various craft screens, then implement into other screens.

Experienced difficulty transferring code into screens due to default sizing and scaling issues. Labels for two sections causes the rest of the screen to move or scale, which is a problem when using static artwork. Also, due to weird scaling issues, could not get the item description to center properly. Expect more difficulties when finalizing screens, especially shop screens.

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Created new calendar and overlay screens, including day of week and seasonal images. Also implemented buttons to the overlay screen, including fast travel.

Current issues are being unable to control the order in which added images appear, certain images, such as the day of the week image, always appear on top, and the fast travel buttons also appear on top of the overlay instead of being framed by it. Need to figure out how to set the order of these items on a screen.

Additionally, the settings button does not show its hover image and clicking it does not make the quick menu appear despite being programmed in...

Need to make actual buttons for each section so they're labeled instead of generic boxes. Of note, they can't always be in the same position so I'm going to have to make multiple buttons depending on the size and position for every single location. sigh

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Fixed settings hover not working, probably a typo in the file name but unsure. (Checked manually and didn't see anything wrong, then copy/pasted the title again just to be sure and it was fixed. Mind must have blended words wrong or something.