Statistically-Unlikely-Games / Crimson-Rue

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Add Holidays #72

Open noeinan opened 4 years ago

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Add holidays to the world_events file, under CALENDAR EVENTS, and add dates to the check_calendar label.

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Added the holidays, tested after making a temporary "skip day" button in the overlay. (That was buggy and took forever lol. The answer was much more simple than I'd originally tried so probably I've just stayed up too late.)

Next need at actually write the scenes and add them to the LOCATION EVENTS section, where they're triggered based on you entering town on that day. (So the actual holiday event won't start until you leave home in the morning.)

Alternatively, I need to make each holiday skip to the end of the day, which will give no movement choices to the player for that day. Currently, I could just copy/paste the "skip day" function to the end. However, that doesn't seem to play nice with my calendar animation so I need to pay attention to what is going on there if I choose this route.