Staubgeborener / klipper-backup

Klipper backup script for manual or automated GitHub backups. Lightweight, pragmatic and comfortable.
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changes made to .env file don't seem to get applied? #33

Closed slovenian6474 closed 5 months ago

slovenian6474 commented 5 months ago

After following the instructions, everything worked fine. I wanted to change what repository it was going to. I changed that in the .env file but the command seems to still be using the original repository even though the .env no longer show it. I've tried removing the entire "klipper-backup" folder and all it's contents, starting over and reinstalling but somehow it still only runs what was originally in the .env the first time it ran.

Staubgeborener commented 5 months ago

Well, yeah, you are completely right. The reason is that the script accesses the .env variable in this case, but git itself "stores it" and then when your folder/repository is accessed, it pulls it from there.

The information is stored in the config_backup folder:

[user@klipper .git]$ cat ~/config_backup/.git/config
        defaultBranch = main
        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
        name = user
        email = user@klipper
[remote "origin"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
        skippedCherryPicks = false
[branch "main"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/main

Two solutions:

  1. Also delete the config_backup folder sudo rm -r ~/config_backup or
  2. Edit the line in [remote "origin"] section from this url = to this url =

If you only want to change the repository and keep your commit history, I recommend step two. When the script is executed again, your new repository will look like your previous one.

Edit: but maybe i will add something to check the branch_name from the .env every time tomorrow.

slovenian6474 commented 5 months ago

Excellent! I did #2 and worked just fine! Thanks for the quick response!

Staubgeborener commented 5 months ago

Nice! I have also adapted the script, in the future you will not have to delete folders or edit the .git/config manually. The script now checks whether the repository or the branch_name in the .env have been changed and adjusts everything automatically.