StealthChesnut / HA-FoxESS-Modbus

Home Assistant Modbus Integration setup for Fox ESS H1 and AC Inverters
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Do sensors need state_class: measurement #121

Open TonyM1958 opened 1 year ago

TonyM1958 commented 1 year ago

A number of the BMS sensors (11037, 11041, 11042, 11045, 11046) don't have

state_class: measurement

in their definition in modbusUSB.yaml so, as I undestand it, won't be storing any long term statistics whilst most other sensors do have this.

Is this intentional or should these sensors also have this property?

TonyM1958 commented 1 year ago

only works for device_class power. For sensors with device_class energy, a state_class of none, total or total_increasing is required e.g. for Solar Energy Total.