Steam-Chat-Bot / node-steam-chat-bot

Simplified interface for a steam chat bot
MIT License
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[Request] Random response #114

Closed JpsCrazy closed 8 years ago

JpsCrazy commented 8 years ago

Why not have random responses, hmmmmmm? (Obviously, the idea is the bot responds with a random choice from a pool of responses.)

I'd actually like to suggest two variations of this. One that just mimics a Magic 8 Ball, such as !magic8ball. (All standard responses at bottom of post.) The other would simulate a dice roll, so it'd be something like !d20 and it would choose any number from 1-20, or !d6 would be 1-60, !d999999 would be 1-999999, etc. (Also would be fine with alternate random number one that starts with 0)

Magic 8 Ball response: It is certain It is decidedly so Without a doubt Yes, definitely You may rely on it As I see it, yes Most likely Outlook good Yes Signs point to yes

Reply hazy try again Ask again later Better not tell you now Cannot predict now Concentrate and ask again

Don't count on it My reply is no My sources say no Outlook not so good Very doubtful

kjsmita6 commented 8 years ago

Not sure if you figured it out already, but you can already have random responses like that using ChatReplyTrigger. Please reply if you need help with that.