Steam-Headless / docker-steam-headless

A Headless Steam Docker image supporting NVIDIA GPU and accessible via Web UI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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"Steam Local Game Transfer" and NAS support #104

Open KauKauPi opened 7 months ago

KauKauPi commented 7 months ago

I have an idea for a feature I think many people would be interested in. Steam Headless not expressly for remote play streaming but used primarily as a local Steam Library server using Valve's new local game transfer feature to use a NAS or other pc to host a user's game library and then quickly transfer it to their PC/Laptop/SteamDeck.

I've looked at Lancache but it isn't the use case I'm that I'm envisioning. I want a local server that can remotely download using the Steam app, store games and their updates, and then use Valves built in 'local game transfer' tool to transfer games to any of my computers as I need them to free up storage on my gaming devices and to locally store my whole steam library. As far as I can tell Lancache doesn't do this.

Here's a few ideas I had that I think would be really useful to this end.

-Support for NAS devices like Synology. (Does Steam Headless already work as a docker container on a Synology NAS? intel based of course) -Support for Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 (would be difficult but possibly achievable using Box86) -samba support to store whole libraries on a large samba share if separate from the Steam Headless client

Josh5 commented 7 months ago

Samba support is already available. Mount your samba share with a cifs mount. I have an example of this in Discord.

As for the other stuff, i do not want to undertake arm support. But we could possibly support any x86 device even without a GPU. Does steam work if no GPU is pressent?

KauKauPi commented 7 months ago

I'm pretty sure Steam would install on even if no gpu is present. Again I have no intention of playing the games, only downloading them for storage and then using Steams network transfer feature to install them on my other pcs. I'm going to give it a shot on my Synology NAS. I'm very new to Docker so I might need some help. What's your discord channel?

BTW i've had my eye on Steam Headless for a while with this in mind. Looks like youve done great work. Thanks for what you've done

Josh5 commented 7 months ago

When you get there and post your message, add a link back to this issue so that people there know the context.