Steam-Headless / docker-steam-headless

A Headless Steam Docker image supporting NVIDIA GPU and accessible via Web UI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Migrate docker compose from v1 to v2 #141

Open nlflint opened 3 months ago

nlflint commented 3 months ago


The docs show a command for starting your docker compose and it uses the version 1 style docker-compose. It would be better to use v2 style docker compose, as old docker-compose is deprecated and not included when you install the latest docker tools (space vs hyphen). The current compose.yaml definition file looks completely compatible with v2, so no changes needed to that.

For more information about docker compose vs docker-compose: difference-between-docker-compose-and-docker-compose

What is the difference between docker compose and docker-compose

Version one of the Docker Compose command-line binary was first released in 2014. It was written in Python, and is invoked with docker-compose. Typically, Compose V1 projects include a top-level version element in the compose.yml file, with values ranging from 2.0 to 3.8, which refer to the specific file formats.

Version two of the Docker Compose command-line binary was announced in 2020, is written in Go, and is invoked with docker compose. Compose V2 ignores the version top-level element in the compose.yml file.