Steam-Headless / docker-steam-headless

A Headless Steam Docker image supporting NVIDIA GPU and accessible via Web UI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Are there no installation instructions? #24

Closed AnotherNeko closed 10 months ago

AnotherNeko commented 1 year ago


On lines 100 and 101 of, I get the error

Error response from daemon: No such container: steam-s
Error: No such container: steam-s

every time I run the script as sudo. I think this is because there's no step in the installation instructions to actually download/install/build/something-else the docker container. Is there a complete documentation to go from a fresh install of any debian/ubuntu-based OS -> install docker using Docker's instructions -> "install"/download this git repo -> configure the /opt/container-services/steam-headless/.env file-> ?????? -> Steam running inside a docker container?

AnotherNeko commented 1 year ago

DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING! docker compose up can do it for you, more effectively!

one of the steps is to run the command sudo docker build -t docker-steam-headless ." in the folder "docker-steam-headless (which is a product of running git clone

AnotherNeko commented 1 year ago

I want to use the Host X server as directed:


If your host is already running X, you can just use that. To do this, be sure to configure:

(Variable) - Configures the sceen to use the primary display. Set this to whatever your host is using
(Variable) - Configures the container to not start an X server of its own
(Variable) - Optional - Configures the container to use the host dbus process
(Mount) - Optional - Configures the container to use the host dbus process


But the Dockerfile(line 559) and 122) are both hardcoded to use DISPLAY=:55 ???

How do I /or/ do I need to change this in every file where it occurs?

AnotherNeko commented 1 year ago

don't use docker-compose up, use docker compose up, do it in the directory /opt/container-services/steam-headless

AnotherNeko commented 1 year ago

"""you can generate a script inside the ~/init.d directory ending with ".sh". This will be executed on the container startup."""

This folder is also accessible from /opt/container-data/steam-headless/home/init.d

Josh5 commented 10 months ago

Not sure exactly when this lines up with this issue, but here are the docs: