Steam-Headless / docker-steam-headless

A Headless Steam Docker image supporting NVIDIA GPU and accessible via Web UI
GNU General Public License v2.0
734 stars 80 forks source link

[Bug]: Docker not starting. Black screen #89

Closed ApfelBirneKreis closed 9 months ago

ApfelBirneKreis commented 9 months ago

Describe the Bug

The docker launches but vnc stays dark.


WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.


[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Desktop ****
Enable Desktop service.
Ensure home directory template is owned by the default user.

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Generate NVIDIA xorg.conf ****
Configure Xwrapper.config
Configure container as primary the X server
Leaving evdev inputs disabled
Configuring X11 with GPU ID: 'GPU-0a14bdef-c793-ae90-9149-495ee9dae863'
Configuring X11 with PCI bus ID: 'PCI:1:0:0'
Writing X11 config with Modeline "1600x900R"  201.00  1600 1648 1680 1760  900 903 908 953 +hsync -vsync
Option "ProbeAllGpus" "False" added to Screen "Screen0".
Option "BaseMosaic" "False" added to Screen "Screen0".
Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration" "True" added to Screen "Screen0".
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'


[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Flatpak ****
Flatpak configured for running inside a Docker container

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Neko ****
Disable Neko server

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Steam ****
Enable Steam auto-start script

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Sunshine ****
Enable Sunshine server

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure VNC ****
Configure VNC service port '32037'
Configure pulseaudio encoded stream port '32038'
Enable VNC server
Disable audio stream
Disable audio websock

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure WoL Manager ****
Disable WoL Manager service.

**** Starting supervisord ****
Logging all root services to '/var/log/supervisor/'
Logging all user services to '/home/default/.cache/log/'

2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/dbus.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/desktop.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/neko.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/pulseaudio.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/steam.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/sunshine.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/udev.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc-audio.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/wol-power-manager.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xorg.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xvfb.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:41:34,229 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2023-09-18 23:41:34,231 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2023-09-18 23:41:34,231 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2023-09-18 23:41:34,231 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2023-09-18 23:41:35,233 INFO spawned: 'dbus' with pid 373
2023-09-18 23:41:35,234 INFO spawned: 'udev' with pid 374
2023-09-18 23:41:35,236 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 375
2023-09-18 23:41:35,237 INFO spawned: 'frontend' with pid 376
2023-09-18 23:41:35,238 INFO spawned: 'pulseaudio' with pid 379
2023-09-18 23:41:35,240 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 383
2023-09-18 23:41:35,241 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 385
2023-09-18 23:41:35,242 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 393
PULSEAUDIO: Starting pulseaudio service
2023-09-18 23:41:35,251 INFO reaped unknown pid 407 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:35,399 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: dbus entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: udev entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: frontend entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: pulseaudio entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:36,261 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:37,245 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 446
2023-09-18 23:41:38,670 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:41:39,550 INFO reaped unknown pid 463 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:39,697 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:40,250 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 471
2023-09-18 23:41:40,260 INFO reaped unknown pid 477 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:40,408 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:41,631 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 493
2023-09-18 23:41:41,640 INFO reaped unknown pid 499 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:41,787 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:43,790 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 508
2023-09-18 23:41:43,799 INFO reaped unknown pid 514 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:43,946 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:47,390 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 609
2023-09-18 23:41:47,401 INFO reaped unknown pid 615 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:41:47,548 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:41:48,550 INFO gave up: desktop entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2023-09-18 23:42:10,574 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:42:10,575 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 645
2023-09-18 23:42:11,577 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)```

### Steps to Reproduce

1. install docker on unraid
2. start container

### Expected Behavior

flawless startup

### Screenshots

_No response_

### Relevant Settings

_No response_

### Version


### Platform


### Relevant log output

_No response_
ApfelBirneKreis commented 9 months ago

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure default user ****
Setting default user uid=99(default) gid=100(default)
Adding default user to any additional required device groups
Adding user 'default' to group: 'video'
Adding user 'default' to group: 'audio'
Adding user 'default' to group: 'input'
Adding user 'default' to group: 'pulse'
Adding user 'default' to group: 'user-gid-71' for device: /dev/input/event0
Adding user 'default' to group: 'user-gid-18' for device: /dev/dri/card0
Adding user 'default' to group: 'users' for device: /dev/dri/renderD128
Setting umask to 000
Create the user XDG_RUNTIME_DIR path '/tmp/.X11-unix/run'
Setting ownership of all log files in '/home/default/.cache/log'
Setting root password
Setting user password

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure some system kernel parameters ****
NOTE: vm.max_map_count is already greater than '524288'

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure container dbus ****
Container configured to run its own dbus

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure container to run udev management ****
**** Ensure the default user has permission to r/w on input devices ****

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configuring Locales to de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 ****
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
  de_DE.UTF-8... done
  en_US.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure pulseaudio ****
Enable pulseaudio service.
Configure pulseaudio to pipe audio to a socket

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Found Intel device 'Intel Corporation RocketLake-S GT1 [UHD Graphics 730] (rev 04)' ****
Install Intel vulkan driver
**** No AMD device found ****
**** Found NVIDIA device 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060' ****
Installing NVIDIA driver v535.104.05 to match what is running on the host
Leaving NVIDIA driver stock without patching

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Desktop ****
Enable Desktop service.
Ensure home directory template is owned by the default user.

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Generate NVIDIA xorg.conf ****
Configure Xwrapper.config
Configure container as primary the X server
Leaving evdev inputs disabled
Configuring X11 with GPU ID: 'GPU-0a14bdef-c793-ae90-9149-495ee9dae863'
Configuring X11 with PCI bus ID: 'PCI:1:0:0'
Writing X11 config with Modeline "1600x900R"  201.00  1600 1648 1680 1760  900 903 908 953 +hsync -vsync

WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.

Option "ProbeAllGpus" "False" added to Screen "Screen0".
Option "BaseMosaic" "False" added to Screen "Screen0".
Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration" "True" added to Screen "Screen0".
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'


[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Flatpak ****
Flatpak configured for running inside a Docker container

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Neko ****
Disable Neko server

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Steam ****
Enable Steam auto-start script

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Sunshine ****
Enable Sunshine server

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure VNC ****
Configure VNC service port '32036'
Configure pulseaudio encoded stream port '32038'
Enable VNC server
Disable audio stream
Disable audio websock

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure WoL Manager ****
Disable WoL Manager service.

**** Starting supervisord ****
Logging all root services to '/var/log/supervisor/'
Logging all user services to '/home/default/.cache/log/'

2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/dbus.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/desktop.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/neko.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/pulseaudio.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/steam.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/sunshine.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/udev.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc-audio.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/wol-power-manager.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xorg.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xvfb.ini" during parsing
2023-09-18 23:47:02,121 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2023-09-18 23:47:02,123 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2023-09-18 23:47:02,123 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2023-09-18 23:47:02,124 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2023-09-18 23:47:03,125 INFO spawned: 'dbus' with pid 373
2023-09-18 23:47:03,126 INFO spawned: 'udev' with pid 374
2023-09-18 23:47:03,127 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 375
2023-09-18 23:47:03,129 INFO spawned: 'frontend' with pid 376
2023-09-18 23:47:03,130 INFO spawned: 'pulseaudio' with pid 378
2023-09-18 23:47:03,131 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 382
2023-09-18 23:47:03,132 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 385
2023-09-18 23:47:03,134 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 387
PULSEAUDIO: Starting pulseaudio service
2023-09-18 23:47:03,143 INFO reaped unknown pid 407 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:03,290 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: dbus entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: udev entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: frontend entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: pulseaudio entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:04,154 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:05,137 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 446
2023-09-18 23:47:06,563 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-09-18 23:47:07,440 INFO reaped unknown pid 463 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:07,587 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:08,143 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 471
2023-09-18 23:47:08,153 INFO reaped unknown pid 477 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:08,301 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:09,522 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 493
2023-09-18 23:47:09,531 INFO reaped unknown pid 499 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:09,678 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:11,681 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 508
2023-09-18 23:47:11,691 INFO reaped unknown pid 514 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:11,838 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:15,304 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 609
2023-09-18 23:47:15,314 INFO reaped unknown pid 615 (exit status 0)
2023-09-18 23:47:15,463 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 23; not expected)
2023-09-18 23:47:16,463 INFO gave up: desktop entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
ApfelBirneKreis commented 9 months ago

Frustrating cause the docker worked yesterday. Tried to reinstall it because i was stuck in big picture mode

Boontato commented 9 months ago

I had a problem where games wouldn't launch, tried to reinstall games and that didn't do it. Recently tried to do a full clean install of the docker including deleting the docker folder and I am encountering this black screen too at vnc

Josh5 commented 9 months ago

Should now be fixed. Sorry about that and thanks for reporting.