SteamClientHomebrew / Millennium

Apply themes/skins/customize Steam® after the 2023-04-27 Chromium UI update
MIT License
694 stars 12 forks source link

linux build? #13

Closed jabuxas closed 5 months ago

jabuxas commented 5 months ago

how hard would it be to port this to linux?

ShadowMonster99 commented 5 months ago

You would need to rewrite a lot of the patcher. It uses the windows api for a lot of calls. If you know what you are doing its possible you could build the app as an executable instead of a dynamic linked library, then you could possibly use Wine or some other alternative compatibility layer. Additionally the patcher wouldn't be as integrated into the steam client as you would have to find a way to run daemon apps on linux potentially at startup, or whenever Steam starts.

But if your looking to know if Millennium will be ported to linux, no there are no current plans unfortunately.

Enderteck commented 3 months ago


ShadowMonster99 commented 3 months ago

You can build from source, its currently in development.

Enderteck commented 3 months ago

Ok, any doc yet to do that ?