Stefan4472 / Stefans-Blog

Personal blogging platform built in Python
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Page load optimizations #102

Closed Stefan4472 closed 1 year ago

Stefan4472 commented 1 year ago

This is a general issue for tracking commits related to improving page load metrics as measured by WebPageTest and Google PageSpeed

Stefan4472 commented 1 year ago

106 should improve load speeds because it reduces the number of Javascript sources to load.

Stefan4472 commented 1 year ago

Also, the new Bootstrap JS Bundle (which includes Popper) should further improve load speeds by a bit #105

In total we've removed 2 JS references.

Stefan4472 commented 1 year ago

Statistics from

Version TTFB Start Render FCP Speed Index LCP CLS TBT DC Time DC Requests DC Bytes Total Time Total Requests Page Weight
v0.2 1.325S 2.500S 2.459S 2.500S 2.459S 0 .030S 2.807S 14 480KB 3.067S 15 481KB
v0.1 .834S 2.000S 2.028S 2.304S 2.778S 0 .000S 245KB

It's a bit of a mixed bag, and unfortunately I don't have a big enough sample size to make high-confidence conclusions. v0.1 had a 2.0sec speed index, while v0.2 had a 2.5sec speed index -- but this can be explained by the fact that TTFB (Time To First Byte) was half a second longer. So it seems the performance metrics are mostly neutral.

I think the lessons we can take are as follows:

Unfortunately, our Time-To-First-Byte is pretty bad. Improving that requires investment (e.g., globally distributing your webservers and (maybe) paying for premium DNS). A CDN will help to load images faster, but honestly, I don't think that's really the bottleneck here. (Note: PythonAnywhere servers are on the West Coast USA, so performance in Europe/globally will be even worse.)

I think we are close to hitting the limit on how fast we can get while using Bootstrap, which adds weight and requires an extra download. The best possible performance would be to have a static HTML website that just uses plain HTML+CSS and is served from a CDN.

Finally: it's important to avoid getting caught up in the LCP metrics, which measure the time for a single load without a browser cache. Users on the site who load multiple pages in sequence will experience way better performance on the subsequent page loads.

I think we can move on to other things and stop worrying about performance... It's good enough for now.