StefanJAuer / RaySAR

RaySAR is a 3D synthetic aperture radar (SAR) simulator which enables to generate SAR image layers related to detailed 3D object models. Moreover, it enables one to localize the 3D positions and surface intersection points related to reflected radar signals. In particular, RaySAR helps to understand the nature of signal multiple reflections at man-made objects (e.g. building structures) or artificial shapes. Scene models with different levels of detail can be processed - from digital surface models (DSMs) to high-end 3D structures - which can be defined in relative or absolute world coordinates. RaySAR can be run on Windows / Linux and is based on an adapted version of the open-source ray tracer POV-Ray.
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contributation.txt is empty #6

Open caiya55 opened 2 years ago

caiya55 commented 2 years ago

hi, I am using the pov-ray software under the POV-Ray_3.7_for_RaySAR_compiled folder, I tried the Box.pov, it works well, and the Contributions.txt is generated. but when we change to my own .pov file and run it, the Contributions.txt is empty. I also change the pov file from C:\Users\zhang\Documents\POV-Ray\v3.7\scenes\advanced, I think this is the offical samples, but the contributions.txt is still empnty.

For each pov file, I added "global_settings {SAR_Output_Data 1 SAR_Intersection 0} " thanks!

StefanJAuer commented 2 years ago

There are two possible reasons I can think of:

yzhao93943 commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem and rendered (from the pov-ray) looks fine and why there are no contributions?

skimtea commented 2 years ago

@caiya55 Did you solve this problem?i got same trouble which i used my own .pov file and run it, the Contributions.txt is empty。。。。(你有解决这个问题吗?我也设置了"global_settings {SAR_Output_Data 1 SAR_Intersection 0} ")

StefanJAuer commented 2 years ago

There are two test models in the package (RaySAR_1.2/RaySAR_Test_Models) in combination with results that should be obtained when conducting the simulation. The POV-Ray file gives examples how the object definition is made (last text block), e.g.

object {step_model translate <0,0,0> // adapt if necessary rotate <0,0,0> // adapt second value for rotation (y -> height axis) pigment {color White} finish {reflection {0.5} ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 specular 0.7 roughness 0.005} }

You may conduct the simulation for that model in order to test the functionality of RaySAR and check the structure of your POV-Ray file.

skimtea commented 2 years ago

@StefanJAuer Dr'Auer thanks ,i followed your suggestions to check my POV-Ray file which converted from a .3ds model file in PoseRay and i found a interesting phenomenon. If I use the original Pov file, i will got a render image like that,but got empty Contribution.txt; V100_L_POV_scene However when i change the camera projection type from pespective to orthographic, the Contribution.txt will contains the imaging parameters and the render image into an all-noise image V100_L_POV_scene I have to admit I don't know much about ray tracing, so could you help me figure out this problem? Thank you very much!!

StefanJAuer commented 2 years ago

Okay, I understand. The writing process is coupled to the orthographic projection only (only this one resembles the nature of SAR imaging). Hence, using the perspective camera leads to an empty Contributions.txt.

Now, the image plane of the orthographic camera needs to be big enough to fully cover the object with its parallel rays. I'd assume that the current image plane is very small. Accordingly, you sample and see only a small piece of surface of the vehicle (likely at the turret).

Here's an example:

declare Cam = camera {

orthographic location <0,60,-60> // location of virtual SAR, far field -> orthographic projection look_at <0,0,0> right 100x // horizontal size of view up 120y // vertical size of view }

The values after "right" and "up" define the extent of the image plane. Adapt those to bring the vehicle completely on your image. Note that the number of rays in the image plane is defined in the resolution ini file.

skimtea commented 2 years ago

@StefanJAuer Thanks Dr'Auer, i really appreciate your helps. With your advices i guess an underfitting image plane settings(include “right” and “up” define) resulted in empty Contribution.txt. So i changed some parameters in Camera settings (like "right" and "up") in a .pov file which have changed the camera type form perspective to orthographic .But i still got a strange image make me confused.The details of my experiment shown below.

The setting in perspective mode

camera {

    up <0,1,0>       
    right -x*image_width/image_height
    location <-4.54747350886464E-13,1.13686837721616E-13,18162.552507674>
    look_at <-4.54747350886464E-13,1.13686837721616E-13,18161.552507674>
    angle 25.5987322094663 // horizontal FOV angle
    rotate <0,0,0> //roll
    rotate <-25,0,0> //pitch
    rotate <0,45,0> //yaw
    translate <-522.505493164063,827.611541748047,480.508056640625>


Geometric information about the target 1657290328563

The setting in orthographic mode //CAMERA PoseRayCAMERA

camera {

    up 4574*y       ##I resize the up&right  based on the max coordinates
    right  3268*x
    location <-4.54747350886464E-13,1.13686837721616E-13,18162.552507674>
    look_at <-4.54747350886464E-13,1.13686837721616E-13,18161.552507674>
    angle 25.5987322094663 // horizontal FOV angle
    rotate <0,0,0> //roll
    rotate <-25,0,0> //pitch
    rotate <0,45,0> //yaw
    translate <-522.505493164063,827.611541748047,480.508056640625>


The output strange image V100_L_POV_scene

i am urgent to solve this problem(maybe looks a little bit silly ), but i really hope you could help me. i appreciate it very much!!