StefanLage / SLPagingViewSwift

Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like. SLPagingViewSwift is a Swift port of the Objective-C of SLPagingView
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SLPagingView within UIViewController #12

Open Maryom opened 9 years ago

Maryom commented 9 years ago


Thanks for you repository. I need to add it to on of my viewController. I don't need it at AppDelegate.

This is my try:

class PagingViewController: SLPagingViewController {

 override init(navBarItems items: [AnyObject]!, controllers: [AnyObject]!, showPageControl addPageControl: Bool) {

    var orange = UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 69.0/255, blue: 0.0/255, alpha: 1.0)
    var gray = UIColor(red: 0.84, green: 0.84, blue: 0.84, alpha: 1.0)

    var ctr1 = UIViewController()
    ctr1.title = "Ctr1"
    ctr1.view.backgroundColor = orange
    var ctr2 = UIViewController()
    ctr2.title = "Ctr2"
    ctr2.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
    var ctr3 = UIViewController()
    ctr3.title = "Ctr3"
    ctr3.view.backgroundColor = gray

    var img1 = UIImage(named: "heart_selected")
    img1 = img1?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img2 = UIImage(named: "people")
    img2 = img2?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img3 = UIImage(named: "comment")
    img3 = img3?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)

    var items = [UIImageView(image: img1), UIImageView(image: img2), UIImageView(image: img3)]
    var controllers = [ctr1, ctr2, ctr3]

    super.init(navBarItems: items, controllers: controllers, showPageControl: false)

    self.pagingViewMoving = ({ subviews in
        for v in subviews {
            var lbl = v as! UIImageView
            var c = gray

            if(lbl.frame.origin.x > 45 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 145) {
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(46), bottomX: Double(144), initC: orange, goal: gray)
            else if (lbl.frame.origin.x > 145 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 245) {
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(146), bottomX: Double(244), initC: gray, goal: orange)
            else if(lbl.frame.origin.x == 145){
                c = orange
            lbl.tintColor = c

required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
    super.init(coder: aDecoder)

func gradient(percent: Double, topX: Double, bottomX: Double, initC: UIColor, goal: UIColor) -> UIColor{
    var t = (percent - bottomX) / (topX - bottomX)

    let cgInit = CGColorGetComponents(initC.CGColor)
    let cgGoal = CGColorGetComponents(goal.CGColor)

    var r = cgInit[0] + CGFloat(t) * (cgGoal[0] - cgInit[0])
    var g = cgInit[1] + CGFloat(t) * (cgGoal[1] - cgInit[1])
    var b = cgInit[2] + CGFloat(t) * (cgGoal[2] - cgInit[2])

    return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: 1.0)


Could you please guide me to the correct way to achieve it?!

YaroslawBagriy commented 9 years ago


I think the point is to have it in the AppDelegate and then swap out the

var ctr1 = UIViewController()
ctr1.title = "Ctr1"
ctr1.view.backgroundColor = orange
var ctr2 = UIViewController()
ctr2.title = "Ctr2"
ctr2.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
var ctr3 = UIViewController()
ctr3.title = "Ctr3"
ctr3.view.backgroundColor = gray

Replace the UIViewController() with your view. What's the bigger picture of your app?

Yaroslaw Bagriy

Maryom commented 9 years ago

Hi Yaroslaw Bagriy thanks for your reply. I need it in one of my viewcontrollers I know how to do it in Appdelegate, but I can't find a way to do it in one viewcontroller. Do you know a way to achieve it?

YaroslawBagriy commented 9 years ago


Yes it is possible. So make a new class that subclasses UIViewController. Then make a storyboard UIViewController and set the class to the new UIViewController class you made.

In viewDidLoad add

    var controller: SLPagingViewSwift!
    var ctr1 = TestButtonViewController()
    ctr1.title = "Ctr1"
    var ctr2 = TestButtonViewController()
    ctr2.title = "Ctr2"
    var ctr3 = TestButtonViewController()
    ctr3.title = "Ctr3"

    var img1 = UIImage(named: "gear")
    img1 = img1?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img2 = UIImage(named: "profile")
    img2 = img2?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img3 = UIImage(named: "chat")
    img3 = img3?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)

    var items = [UIImageView(image: img1), UIImageView(image: img2), UIImageView(image: img3)]
    var controllers = [ctr1, ctr2, ctr3]
    controller = SLPagingViewSwift(items: items, controllers: controllers, showPageControl: false)

    controller.pagingViewMoving = ({ subviews in
        for lbl in (subviews as! [UIImageView]) {
            var c : UIColor!

            switch (lbl.frame.origin.x) {
            case 145:
                c = orange
            case 46 ... 144:
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(46), bottomX: Double(144), initC: orange, goal: gray)
            case 146 ... 244:
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(146), bottomX: Double(244), initC: gray, goal: orange)
                c = gray
            lbl.tintColor = c


See if that works.

Yaroslaw Bagriy

Maryom commented 9 years ago

Thanks again. First Swift version has many errors so I'm using objective c version. I tried your code I got two errors: 'SLPagingViewController' does not have a member named 'pagingViewMoving'

'TryViewController' does not have a member named 'presentviewcontroller'

var controller: SLPagingViewController! var ctr1 = Try0ViewController() ctr1.title = "Ctr1" var ctr2 = Try1ViewController() ctr2.title = "Ctr2" var ctr3 = Try2ViewController() ctr3.title = "Ctr3"

    var img1 = UIImage(named: "heart_selected")
    img1 = img1?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img2 = UIImage(named: "people")
    img2 = img2?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
    var img3 = UIImage(named: "comment")
    img3 = img3?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)

    var items = [UIImageView(image: img1), UIImageView(image: img2), UIImageView(image: img3)]
    var controllers = [ctr1, ctr2, ctr3]
    controller = SLPagingViewController(navBarItems: items, controllers: controllers, showPageControl: false)

    controller.pagingViewMoving = ({ subviews in
        for lbl in (subviews as! [UIImageView]) {
            var c : UIColor!

            switch (lbl.frame.origin.x) {
            case 145:
                c = orange
            case 46 ... 144:
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(46), bottomX: Double(144), initC: orange, goal: gray)
            case 146 ... 244:
                c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(146), bottomX: Double(244), initC: gray, goal: orange)
                c = gray
            lbl.tintColor = c


Any idea how to solve it?

YaroslawBagriy commented 9 years ago

Opps wrong parameters for presentviewcontroller. try

self.presentViewController(controller, animated: false, completion: nil)

Maryom commented 9 years ago

Yup I tried this but it doesn't work. So I used another repository and it works perfectly with me:

Thanks for your help.

AdventuresOfMar commented 8 years ago

I was able to get the swiping function to work but the issue that I'm facing is the header doesn't appear.