StefanSalewski / NimProgrammingBook

Computer Programming with the Nim Programming Language -- A gentle Introduction
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commas , and the where appropriate #12

Closed marek-lach closed 2 years ago

StefanSalewski commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Unfortunately I can not agree with some of your changes:

The Types of Programming Languages

For me adding "The" does not really help. Maybe "Kind of" would be an improvement, to avoid the word "Type" here, as by "Type" people may read "Data Type" which is not meant here obviously. As least I have read the phrase "Types of Programming Languages" more often than "The Types of Programming Languages". "The" would make some sense when we would list all of them, but we do not.

<A programming paradigm, is a fundamental style of

Why do you inserted that comma? Compare this to

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to

push programmers to use the OPP design.

You added "the", which I have indeed accepted. But actually there is not a single OOP design, but many, so maybe "the" is not really that necessary?

So newer languages, like Go, Rust and Nim

Yes, the comma after languages seems to be fine, but I think then we need one after Nim too?

Sometimes source code written in one programming language is converted into another one.

You removed the terminating one. No, I can not agree. The one refers to another language. Sounds strange without one for me. Maybe we will leave that to the final professional proofreader when we really should decide to generate a printed book.

if a standard task, like the sorting of data, processing

You added the word "the". Again, there is not the "one and only" sorting, we can sort by a lot of properties. So I am not convinced.

I have done some fixes myself again, up to the section about generics. It was mostly adding the missed highlighting of Nim keywords, data types and such. Will ship to github later this evening or tomorrow.

Unfortunately I have to extend the sections about templates and iterators still a lot. And then async/await is still missing, and concepts are missing too. And I would like to add RegEx and Pegs. And maybe a short GUI example, gintro of course. So it is still a lot of work, but maybe I will get it done til end of 2022. I think a printed version will only make some sense when we get at least 100 pre orders, but I doubt we will get them. Indeed I got a few requests for a printed version, but only a few. Personally I do not see much sense in printing at all.

I still wonder if you are a native english speaker or a teacher?

marek-lach commented 2 years ago

Why do you inserted that comma?

You're right. It is better not to have one there.

For me adding "The" does not really help.

I understand your reasoning. On a purely grammatical level, it makes sense to include it, but it's not absolutely necessary.

Yes, the comma after languages seems to be fine, but I think then we need one after Nim too?

Yes, that's true.

You removed the terminating one.

Your original sentence construction is grammatically fine, just a bit harder to read because of using the same word to refer to two different concepts in a single sentence.

If you use the word another, it is clear to English speakers that you mean 'another one' of something. Thus, for clarity and ease of comprehension, leaving 'one' out at the end is, I believe, a good idea.

You added the word "the". Again, there is not the "one and only" sorting, we can sort by a lot of properties. So I am not convinced.

It is not really about whether sorting of data is the only thing you can sort, but rather that 'the sorting of data', implies a concrete, specific task. You can also use 'a sorting of data' to mean any sorting of any data, but since we already have 'a task' we may be doing a specific action that is the sorting of data as part of that task, instead of just any unrelated sorting of data. For example

the sorting problem

is a specific idea about a sorting problem.

I still wonder if you are a native english speaker...

Yes. This is just my little way to help and contribute.