StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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with cross-hair active the "... : UNSAVED data ..." warning dialog-box hides the cursor #125

Closed olisnr closed 9 months ago

olisnr commented 9 months ago

the open dialog and others show the cross-hair also in the drawing window, only the "... : UNSAVED data ..." warning dialog-box does it. may be the redrawing is blocked.

StefanSchippers commented 9 months ago

Yes, I know. All dialog boxes i coded myself do not block event processing. For some alerts i used the tk_messageBox command, and this blocks execution completely. I will remove all these and use a custom alert box. Will take a little time to complete. the tk_messageBox is probably to be used only for absolute critical situations where the program should not be allowed to do anything until the user closes the alert box.

olisnr commented 9 months ago


StefanSchippers commented 9 months ago

An easy workaround is to set the mouse pointer to default whenever mouse pointer exits the drawing window. See video.

StefanSchippers commented 9 months ago

Side note: you can set the layer (color) used for the Xhair with: set crosshair_layer where n is a number. See xschem Layers menu for the layer numbers. If an invalid number is given the grey layer (selection) is used.

olisnr commented 9 months ago

yes its perfect!

in You video, i saw, thats possible to send the "remote commands" direct via the terminal. are this the commands that are described in the comments of the xschemrc?