StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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Tab features #131

Closed martinjankoehler closed 7 months ago

martinjankoehler commented 9 months ago

Some ideas to improve the UX working with tabs:

StefanSchippers commented 9 months ago

the tooltip in tabs showing the full pathname is now done. Was very quick (1 line of code)

Moving a tab to separate window is a bit tricky. The xschem architecture is to have either tabbed interface or multi-window, not both at the same time. Could be done easily by spawning another xschem process. All other actions could be easy to do with a ctx menu.

StefanSchippers commented 9 months ago

The feature has been added. Doing some more testing. If you have a chance please test. I like this addition!


martinjankoehler commented 8 months ago

Hey @StefanSchippers, sorry for the delay (was on vacation).

I think in general it works great, many thanks for adding this!

Just updated to the latest master, and did some testing...

Testing report

Open symbol / schematic

When switching from a symbol-less schematic (i.e. a testbench, which is never used as a sub-block), it

  1. first shows an error message that the file does not exist
  2. then it opens an empty symbol not yet saved, but already at the correct path

Issue: Error dialog with nonexistent counterparts

Issue: Menu item does not change

Steps to reproduce:

Issue: Warning dialog in case of already open counterparts

Steps to reproduce:

Open Terminal commands

might have to do with my environment, but steps to reproduce:

StefanSchippers commented 8 months ago

Testing report

Open symbol / schematic

When switching from a symbol-less schematic (i.e. a testbench, which is never used as a sub-block), it

1. first shows an error message that the file does not exist

2. then it opens an empty symbol not yet saved, but already at the correct path

Issue: Error dialog with nonexistent counterparts

* So the fact that it does (2.) is good IMO,  as it would allow the user to create and save the symbol right away.

* But the error message (1.) is a bit irritating, still on the upside it establishes awareness that the file did not yet exist

* Instead of (1.), and after doing (2.), alternatives would be

  * show an info message explaining that it does not exist yet, but can be created now
  * show nothing at all, the user might have enough awareness given the empty symbol

I think it is now fixed. I decided not to show any warnings.

Issue: Menu item does not change

Steps to reproduce:

* Perform steps of the above last issue

* In the empty symbol now shown, open the tab menu

* EXPECTED: menu item is called "Open schematic"

* OBTAINED: menu item is called "Open symbol", and clicking it gives me a warning that the file is already open

* Solution: the tab menu item should be updated to "Open schematic" in case of symbols, and "Open symbol" in case of schematic

This is now fixed. Thank you for pointing this out!

Issue: Warning dialog in case of already open counterparts

Steps to reproduce:

* Open both sch and sym (i.e. using the tab menu or other means)

* The tab menu item is correct (in constrast to the last issue when counterparts do not exist yet)

* EXPECTED: the tab of the counterpart should be activated

* OBTAINED: I get an warning dialog that the file is already open, the app stays at the current file and does not switch to the desired counterpart

This should now work. if counterpard is already in a tab just switch to it like it does when clicking the counterpart tab.

Open Terminal commands

might have to do with my environment, but steps to reproduce:

* open schematic

* click "open circuit dir. term."

* EXPECTED: xterm shell is opened, and changes the current working directory to the one containing the schematic

* OBTAINED: xterm shell is opened at default home directory

Unfortunately I can not reproduce this. Does this happen also for "Open sim. dir. term."? Are you using an old school terminal like xterm or rxvt or a "modern" one? With Desktop Environment terminals i have had numerous issues in the past (just for the record I have attached a funny video of one of these problems) and I have blacklisted them all (well, I have blacklisted the DEs altogether), but if you want I can install for a moment one or more of these terminals and test. So far I have tested with the lxterminal (was used in LXDE desktops, don't know if this environment still exists, I hope not) and things work as expected. Also verify if for some mistake or whatever reason there is no duplicate schematic in the home (or current) directory.

martinjankoehler commented 8 months ago

Testing report

Open symbol / schematic

Issue: Error dialog with nonexistent counterparts

I think it is now fixed. I decided not to show any warnings.

Works now!

Issue: Menu item does not change

This is now fixed. Thank you for pointing this out!

Works now!

Issue: Warning dialog in case of already open counterparts

This should now work. if counterpart is already in a tab just switch to it like it does when clicking the counterpart tab.

Works now!

Open Terminal commands

might have to do with my environment, but steps to reproduce: Unfortunately I can not reproduce this. Does this happen also for "Open sim. dir. term."? Yes, same for both.

Are you using an old school terminal like xterm or rxvt or a "modern" one?


I'm pretty sure it has to do with our design flow scripts. Which CLI commands are you launching for those menu items?