StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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after ctnr-f key-bindings stuck #134

Closed olisnr closed 11 months ago

olisnr commented 11 months ago

if i select a few models via the ctrl-f search, and try to use m or q to move or change the selection, it wont work. but the menu-commands are working. is this some focus-problem? or is it intended?

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

If you use ctrl-f the default is to just highlight the matching elements. You can change this by checking the Select checkbox. After selecting the matching elements I am able to move, delete or change ('q') their attributes. Can you please explain better what is your problem? in some cases the UI is blocked because there is some dialog box that has not been closed (may be obscured or minimized) , please check that too.

olisnr commented 11 months ago


then i press ctnr-f


then i click ok


now all i wanted is selected, but if i press q nothing happens. but the menue Properties/Edit is working

olisnr commented 11 months ago

ups, now i see: somehow the focus is changing to an other program... after closing the search box an other process has the focus. my be some cinnamon problem?

olisnr commented 11 months ago

may be its because the dialog isnt modal?

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I will do some tests with other window managers.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I tested with fvwm3 (my window manager) and icewm (in its default configuration, which is click-to-focus) and xschem remains focused after a search (ctrl-f)

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

Anyway I think the search dialog box does an unnecessary grab set (to force it to be in focus) that is probably unnecessary. Removing this will make xschem responsive (to zoom/pan commands for example) even if the search dialog box is open. This dialog box is configured to remain on top of the xschem window, to avoid it to be obscured. Will remove this historic grab set, since I think it is not needed.

olisnr commented 11 months ago

its switching to the system-monitor only if the always on top option is active. this seems to happen with every dialog-box, but it attract my attention only after the search.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

So if you close a dialog box in xschem (like the Load/Save As dialog) focus goes to another application? this is weird...

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

Xschem Dialog boxes are configured to be on top of xschem window. If xschem is set to 'always on top' may be there will be a contention of windows pretending to be on top, and the window manager detects the situation and moves focus away. Just a guess.

olisnr commented 11 months ago

So if you close a dialog box in xschem (like the Load/Save As dialog) focus goes to another application? this is weird...

yes, but the focus goes only to an other application that has the always on top flag set.

olisnr commented 11 months ago

if i also enable always on top for Xschem, then the dialogboxes will appear in the back of Xschem, but the focus still goes to the system-monitor after closing

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I see there are some issues on cinnamon with always on top windows.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I see there is (or was) a "prevent focus stealing" setting in the desktop. Is this available? can you test if it makes a difference?

olisnr commented 11 months ago

there is no robbery-prevention anymore:


and "Attach dialog wi...". i will try it on the mate desktop...

olisnr commented 11 months ago

now i installed fvmw and mate on linuX mint (ubuntu 22.04) and: mate behaves like cinnamon fvmw behaves correct

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

Would be nice to see some other application which pops a dialog box and see if there is a similar problem. If not then I will like to investigate how to avoid that....

olisnr commented 11 months ago

i think it could be some Tk/Tcl thing: i downloaded an other program: and it does the same...

olisnr commented 11 months ago

programs like xed dont do this

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

Can you please test the following test.tcl program? it shows a main window and a button to open a dialog. Set the main window in focus (you will see a cursor in the text area) , then open the dialog box, close it and see if text area is still in focus. Invoke the program with wish test.tcl

proc dialog {} {
  toplevel .a
  text .a.t
  .a.t insert 1.0 {Hello, World!}
  button .a.ok -text OK -command {destroy .a}
  pack .a.t .a.ok
  tkwait window .a

text .t
.t insert 1.0 {Main window}
button .close -text Close -command { destroy .}
button .dialog -text {Open dialog} -command {dialog}
pack .t
pack .dialog .close -side left
olisnr commented 11 months ago

yes, this code also let the "always top" marked process steal the focus.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I also tried setting some apps on top in ICEWM and i can't see this focus stealing problem.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

If you start xschem from a console, can you please issue this command: xschem [~] tk_focusFollowsMouse and see if the focus stealing still happens?

olisnr commented 11 months ago

it dont change anything

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

Does the focus robbery happen with any application that is on the 'always on top' layer or only with the system monitor? In the latter case are there options in System Monitor to change this?

olisnr commented 11 months ago

any 'always on top' application mutates to a focus robber.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I think I need to do some tests on a live Cinnamon Mint image.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

OK, I got the same problem on Cinnamon, ( I also got the garbage on screen , but adding the xorg.conf this was fixed right away) I also found a fix for the problem. Please can you test this modified test.tclprogram? run it as usual as wish8.6 test.tcl The only change is the addition of wm transient .a . in the dialog creation routine. If that works I will apply this to all xschem dialogs.

proc dialog {} {
  toplevel .a
  wm transient .a .
  text .a.t
  .a.t insert 1.0 {Hello, World!}
  button .a.ok -text OK -command {destroy .a}
  pack .a.t .a.ok
  tkwait window .a

text .t
.t insert 1.0 {Main window}
button .close -text Close -command { destroy .}
button .dialog -text {Open dialog} -command {dialog}
pack .t
pack .dialog .close -side left
olisnr commented 11 months ago

yes, this is a working Robbery Prevention...

olisnr commented 11 months ago

the " I also got the garbage on screen" is the driver-problem? how did You get rid of it?

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

For this machine (an asus core i7 with an intel GPU) it is a matter of disabling the PageFlip.

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 620 (rev 02)
 Section "Device"
     Identifier  "intel"
     Driver      "intel"
     Option "PageFlip" "false"
StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

I will now start cinnamon on a samsung laptop with a AMD/radeon GPU and see how the patched xschem works.

StefanSchippers commented 11 months ago

On the old Samsung I can set the xorg.conf to work fine either for xschem (no garbage in xschem, garbage in the desktop background) or for cinnamon (no garbage in the background, garbage in xschem) The problem is that cinnamon uses OpenGL compositing by default and on these old computers OpenGL is full of bugs. This computer is simply too old for a modern desktop Linux. However the fix for the focus stealing worked there too. Of course getting rid of the accelerated driver and using the 'fbdev' driver instead of radeon fixes all problems, and gives also a faster User eXperience, as typical on low end machines. Since more and more desktops will use compositing and since OpenGL layer does not implement correctly some of the core X11 drawing functions I will work in optimizing the "fix for broken GPUs' to avoid flickering, for example.

olisnr commented 11 months ago

yes, i also think i would be good, if users dont need to be aware of the software-problems of there video-drivers. to the speed of Xschem: the biggest refresh break i saw until now are the graph-rectangles if data are loaded and plotted. i think the plots should be blanked while zooming or moving the screen section and redrawn only after.