StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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Library Path Issue: It used to work #153

Closed kwmartin closed 5 months ago

kwmartin commented 6 months ago

Something has changed so library symbols are no longer found. See screen grab below. I was running version 3.4.5. To be certain, I did a git pull which down loaded many changes, and then rebuilt. It is still at version 3.4.5, but now the most recent update; this did not cause anything to change. Aside: the installation is still broken for user with a custom umask. I use umask 027, and after installing I still need to do: cd /usr/local/share/xschem/ ssu chmod 755 $(find . -type d) chmod 644 $(find . -type f) cd /usr/local/share/doc/xschem/ chmod 755 $(find . -type d) chmod 644 $(find . -type f) chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/xschem I suggest something like this be added to the sudo make install? Note in the screen grab below: The readonly entry in the "Path:" window is incorrect: it reads: /home/martin/.xschem/proj_lib/devices and it should read /home/.xschem/xschem_library/devices My is XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH is:

% puts $XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH                                   

This should work. I have tried many other changes to XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH and none I have tried work. Again, it used to work. If I prepend "/home/martin/.xschem/xschem_library/" to the Symbol entry widget, the symbol is found. Also, if I browse to the symbol, it is found. My guess: the "Path" entry is set somewhere incorrectly, and saved between sessions. I can't find where; there's no mention of a "Path" variable in the xschemrc file. It could be due to the fact that I set the schematic attribute in my global symbol properties. Finally, a suggestion: For directories included in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH, walk through the subdirectories and find all subdirectories that include any .sch or .sym files and include them in your library lookup table. My library structure, which I am stuck with as it needs to be compatible with my historic Viewdraw library structure, is set up with library_name/sym and library_name/sch subdirectories that include my sym and sch files, respectively. I get around xschem not finding my sch files by using attributes like: schematic=../../diglib28/sch/dr_3x2.sch (as you suggested) which are automatically included during conversion from Viewdraw, so this issue is not limiting for me, but I think my suggestion might make xschem's handling of library searches cleaner; just a suggestion. Finally, finally, I have also a-periodically seen in the Symbol widget entry, sometimes the first character is missing, and sometimes "//" instead of just "/". Finally, finally, finally, is the "Issues" tab the best place to make tentative suggestions or do you have a preferred location to make suggestions (such as on Sourceforge)? Thank you.


StefanSchippers commented 6 months ago

If you do a 'q' on a "missing symbol lab_pin" what is the "Symbol" reference? if it is just lab_pin.sym then xschem should find it in /home/martin/.xschem/xschem_library/devices, the full path is obtained by adding lab_pin.sym to the XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH components in order until the file is found. If the reference is "devices/lab_pin.sym" you must have a /home/martin/.xschem/xschem_library path element (without /devices).

If you have multiple directory levels you may add all the libraries, putting the deepest directories first so a symbol xxx.sym inside /a/b/c/d/ will be saved in the schematic as just xxx.sym if /a/b/c/d is listed in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH and is listed before /a/b/c , otherwise the symbol reference will be saved as d/xxx/sym Please read carefully the page about library management. Nobody does that and they end up messing up their designs in all worst possible ways. I think I will further expand this section and add more links here and there to force users go through it.

The key principle is:

For the umask issue I don't know if it is fair for the installation program to change the permissions. It sounds like overriding user or sysadmin choices. If the default umask is set such that root owned files can not be accessed (even for read and execute) by users the installation program does things accordingly. I think changing root umask (for example set to 0022) temporarily just before doing make install (as root) is the best option

StefanSchippers commented 6 months ago

Another comment, if your schematics have absolute symbol references, if you set up correctly the XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH list of paths, load and force-save each schematic the absolute references will be removed.

StefanSchippers commented 6 months ago

Another comment, if symbols and schematics are in different directories you may want to specify: set search_schematic 1 in your xschemrc file. This way the schematic associated to a symbol will be searched in all paths listed in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH and you don't have to specify schematic=... explicitly. This assumes however that the filenames are unique, so there are no duplicates (if there are the first match in the list of paths is used).

StefanSchippers commented 6 months ago

For directories included in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH, walk through the subdirectories and find all subdirectories that include any .sch or .sym files and include them in your library lookup table.

This can not be done in general, if a user specifies [pwd] as one of the search paths xschem could walk the whole user home directory, adding directories that have nothing to do with the current project, and/or creating a very long list of directories. I think the automatic recursion is potentially dangerous. Even a complex project must have a countable number of directories such that they can be listed individually (you can get a list of dirs with find . -maxdepth n -type d, where n is the maximum depth you want to explore). Otherwise the project needs to be refactored somehow.

cnMuggle commented 6 months ago

If you do a 'q' on a "missing symbol lab_pin" what is the "Symbol" reference? if it is just lab_pin.sym then xschem should find it in /home/martin/.xschem/xschem_library/devices, the full path is obtained by adding lab_pin.sym to the XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH components in order until the file is found. If the reference is "devices/lab_pin.sym" you must have a /home/martin/.xschem/xschem_library path element (without /devices).

Thanks for the devices/ folder suggestions, it does work. I have a schematic created somewhere else, when I bring it into my current workspace, all the pin labels are shown as missing. It just shows /foss/design/ The default XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH only defines /foss/tools/xschem/64ca25b/share/xschem/xschem_library/ After I add /foss/tools/xschem/64ca25b/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices The schematic symbol does recover. image

StefanSchippers commented 6 months ago

As a general rule put the deepest directories first /foss/tools/xschem/64ca25b/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices /foss/tools/xschem/64ca25b/share/xschem/xschem_library/

There is also a magic command to fix such issues, without the need to add the .../devices dir:

if you have a missing lab_pin.sym placement and your path has /foss/tools/xschem/64ca25b/share/xschem/xschem_library/ it means the correct placement is devices/lab_pin.sym. You can issue the command fix_symbols 1. It will add one directory component to unresolved symbols, transforming lab_pin.sym into devices/lab_pin.sym. This is done for all unresolved symbols, if they can be found 1 level beneath the XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH list of dirs. If you fix the design this way you don't need to have a directory and a subdirectory of it in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH.