StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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Ports Not Netlisted #159

Closed yrrapt closed 5 months ago

yrrapt commented 5 months ago

I have an issue where two particular ports (chop_p_i and chop_n_i) are not being netlisted into the subckt definition.

The schematic file is:

v {xschem version=3.4.5 file_version=1.2
G {}
K {}
V {}
S {}
E {}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -60 0 0 {name=p4 lab=chop_p_i}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -40 0 0 {name=p5 lab=chop_n_i}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 0 0 0 {name=p2 lab=gnd_i}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -400 0 0 {name=p1 lab=vdd_1v8_i}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -320 0 0 {name=p6 lab=ibias_10u_p_i[2:0]}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -230 0 0 {name=p3 lab=in_p_i}
C {devices/ipin.sym} 0 -210 0 0 {name=p7 lab=in_n_i}
C {devices/opin.sym} 1850 -200 0 0 {name=p8 lab=out_n_o}
C {devices/opin.sym} 1850 -240 0 0 {name=p9 lab=out_p_o}

The ends up with a netlist (with LVS mode enabled):

.subckt test_circuit vdd_1v8_i out_p_o out_n_o ibias_10u_p_i<2>,ibias_10u_p_i<1>,ibias_10u_p_i<0> gnd_i in_p_i in_n_i
*.ipin chop_p_i
*.ipin chop_n_i
*.ipin gnd_i
*.ipin vdd_1v8_i
*.ipin ibias_10u_p_i<2>,ibias_10u_p_i<1>,ibias_10u_p_i<0>
*.ipin in_p_i
*.ipin in_n_i
*.opin out_n_o
*.opin out_p_o

I have tried to debug the cause but have not yet been able to determine what is causing the issue.

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

Hi, Thomas, try to see if you have more than one test_circuit.sch in your search paths. Are you netlisting a testbench that instantiates test_circuit.sym? or are you netlisting test_circuit.sch directly? in the first case edit the symbol attributes and look at the format attribute. This tells xschem the port list.

yrrapt commented 5 months ago

Hi Stefan, I found the problem, the symbol did not have those pins. Adding the pins to the symbol fixed the problem. So this was user error. Thanks, Thomas

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

@yrrapt If you run a netlist from a script, like:

$ xschem  -rnqsx tb_opamp_stef.sch
Warning: open net: VCC
Error: Symbol opamp_stef.sym: schematic pin: VCC not in symbol
Error: Symbol opamp_stef.sym has 4 pins, its schematic has 5 pins

you get on stderr messages telling if something is wrong regarding to sch/sym port matching. option -r is important since it prevents xschem from closing stdin/stdout/stderr (this is necessary if multiple xschem instances are launched from the same controlling terminal).