StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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[RFC] click on symbol parameter to change it #167

Closed qpwo closed 5 months ago

qpwo commented 5 months ago

For example, with this voltage source, it would be nice if I could just click the 1 and type 2 then click away or hit enter.


Would pair with #166 .

Speculation on details of how this could be implementable:

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

For example, with this voltage source, it would be nice if I could just click the 1 and type 2 then click away or hit enter.

Currently double clicking on an instance brings up the edit attribute dialog box. Double clicking on a value selects it. Typing something replaces the value. Clicking in the schematic empty space applies the change closing the dialog. Clicking another element will apply the change on previous element and update the dialog box with the new element attributes.

Before doing other changes I think a nice thing to add is to have the value attribute selected and the textbox focused after double clicking. This saves a (precision) double click to select text to replace.


qpwo commented 5 months ago

Yes putting the cursor selection there sounds like 90% of the value for 10% of the effort!

qpwo commented 5 months ago

Oh if #166 is feasible: Another checkbox in the Edit Properties window ("apply changes while typing") could maybe add another 2x speedup

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

I have done the change: When double clicking an element, if it has value= or lab= fields then select the text after the '=' and position insertilon cursor. To change a vsource value with minimal GUI actions:

qpwo commented 5 months ago


Tiny pain point: if I move my mouse 1 pixel in the main xschem area, then the popup window loses focus.

Is there any easy way to increase that tolerance or a setting to prevent mouse-move from changing focus?

(My general window manager does not change focus on mouse move, if that's relevant.)

No worries if it's too annoying to change!

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

I will try to set my window manager to 'click to focus' and see if I can avoid that losing of focus. Thank you

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

@qpwo Is your xschem behaving differently than in this video?

qpwo commented 5 months ago

I just pulled and rebuilt. The main xschem window is still grabbing focus on mouse move on my machine. Perhaps this is beyond xschem's control? Or I'm missing some setting? (Haven't noticed mouse-move-focus in any other apps on my system though.)

StefanSchippers commented 5 months ago

You are right.

There is an option in xschemrc: set autofocus_mainwindow 0 to disable this main window focus grabbing. By default this setting is enabled.

Sorry I forgot this long standing option. (I also use this disabled autofocus setting).

Can you please add/change this option in your xschemrc and test?

qpwo commented 5 months ago

Working perfectly! Super rapid changes!