StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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improve color scheme #178

Closed joamatab closed 4 months ago

joamatab commented 4 months ago

When using dark theme the edit simulators are barely readable and can only see the text when hoovering over it image

How about allowing to configure them from a file?

StefanSchippers commented 4 months ago

I don't know why that system decides to use white color for text. In 99% of the systems text is black unless changed by the user. seems a dark theme colorscheme is used. This is usually screwed up by some Desktop Environment.

there is probably some system configuration file where default colors are changed, I will set text color explicitly.

StefanSchippers commented 4 months ago

@joamatab I have added explicit setting of the following colors:

  option add *foreground black startupFile
  option add *activeforeground black startupFile
  option add *background {#d9d9d9} startupFile
  option add *activebackground {#ececec} startupFile
  option add *disabledforeground {#a3a3a3} startupFile

I will manage to make these options user selectable in xschemrc file. For now it should avoid white text on light backgound, I hope.

StefanSchippers commented 4 months ago

I have added an option that can be set in xschemrc file: set dark_gui_colorscheme 1 will start xschem with a dark colorscheme, where set dark_gui_colorscheme 0 (the default) will use a light colorscheme.

this option affects the widgets, not the drawing area. A separate dark_colorscheme i used for the drawing canvas (default: set to 1), so 4 combinations are possible.

It is possible to customize all colors, but the risk of messing up things and having odd combinations is considerable. 1

joamatab commented 4 months ago

amazing! thank you Stefan!