StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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How to change default web browser #183

Closed mzannoni closed 3 months ago

mzannoni commented 3 months ago

I'm on Manjaro linux and I've seen that links in scheamtics can't be opened, because the command x-www-browser can't be executed.

I launch the example schematic and then try and `Ctrl+ on a link and:

❯ xschem .local/share/doc/xschem/examples/0_examples_top.sch
% tclvareval(): error executing launcher {} {x-www-browser}: couldn't execute "x-www-browser": no such file or directory

Is there a way, e.g. in xschemrc to specify the browser? (could't find it)

Or more in general, any help in making this work would be welcome :wink:

StefanSchippers commented 3 months ago

Try to remove the program=x-www-browser by clicking on the symbol, pressing 'q' and deleting the program=... line. If it still does not work add program=firefox or any other browser installed on the system.

Linux desktops usually set x-www-browser as a link to the default installed browser, so whether it is chrome, firefox or anything you can call it in a portable way. On some systems this method is broken.

StefanSchippers commented 3 months ago

I have removed the program=... lines in the launchers in the 0_examples_top.sch, since if no program=... is specified xschem uses xdg-open, another standard desktop command to open a file or URL with the right application:

xdg-open image.jpg --> uses the default image viewer xdg-open file.pdf --> uses the default pdf viewer xdg-open file.txt --> uses the default editor xdg-open --> will use the default browser

If no program=... is specified in the launcher xschem uses the value specified in launcher_default_program tcl variable, which is by default xdg-open. This default file open application can be set and changed in xschemrc: set launcher_default_program .... however it must be something that recognizes different file formats, like xdg-open, so unless you know what you are doing don't change it.