StefanSchippers / xschem

A schematic editor for VLSI/Asic/Analog custom designs, netlist backends for VHDL, Spice and Verilog. The tool is focused on hierarchy and parametric designs, to maximize circuit reuse.
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Organize default layout of xschem #219

Closed georgtree closed 3 months ago

georgtree commented 3 months ago

Hello! Sorry for writing here, I just haven't found any info in web, but how to setup top windows positions relative to each other for xschem (or any other ensemble of tk top windows)? For example, when I run xschem, I want to see built-in tcl commands window always at the bottom of xschem main window, and custom palette at the right edge of it. I understand, that it is a responsibility of OS window manager, but maybe is there a way how can I positioned them relative to each other, without making a default absolute fixed position for every top window. Thank you in advance!

StefanSchippers commented 3 months ago

You can query window size and positions with the tcl winfo geometry command. You can set window sizes and positions with the tcl window manager wm geometry command

schippes@asus:~/xschem-repo/trunk/src$ xschem
Sourcing /home/schippes/xschem-repo/trunk/src/xschemrc init file
xschem [~/xschem-repo/trunk/src] winfo geometry .
xschem [~/xschem-repo/trunk/src] winfo geometry .sim
xschem [~/xschem-repo/trunk/src] wm geometry .sim 790x370+77+700
xschem [~/xschem-repo/trunk/src] 

the wm geometry can also be used to query the size of the window, this includes the window manager decorative elements in the position fields (+xxx+yyy) . see the difference when querying the xschem top level window geometry (due to the 3 pixel border and 21 pixel title bar added by my window manager)

xschem [~] winfo geometry .
xschem [~] wm geometry .
georgtree commented 3 months ago

Thank you!