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B2C API access #128

Open flobz opened 5 months ago

flobz commented 5 months ago

Hello, I'm the main developer of and I would like to have access to the B2C API. I have filled out the "contat-us" form but I didn't receive any response.

This app is used by a lot of PSA consumers, (1 million downloads on Docker Hub), so I think that is in your best interest to allow them to have a better experience with their cars.

If you can't give access right now can you at least tell us when it will be possible? It's been 3 years that the B2C API is in "soon available" state... Thanks in advance


ict commented 5 months ago

Maybe you should add that your tool is often used as a component in the very popular Homeassistant software suite, which is used by millions of people to coordinate their smart home.

Stellantis, please make this possible. Don't be like Haier.

gernot-h commented 5 months ago

Same here, I'm contributor to the Open Source smart home solution FHEM and would also love to use psa_car_controller to integrate my car, see (German only, sorry).

bbr111 commented 5 months ago

+1 Support

gerar19 commented 5 months ago

+1! Please Stellantis

Clebena commented 5 months ago

PSA would sell better if they've listed their cars are HomeAssistant compatible! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

solstrandstong commented 5 months ago

For me the PSA Car Controller used to be the only way to precondition my Peugeot car and by far the best way to charge it as the official app is pretty much useless. Please help us out here!

gernot-h commented 5 months ago

Ah, that's a good point. As recommended in the manual, I want to charge my car only up to 80%, a feature which is neither available in the car itself nor in the "My Opel" app, but only in PSA Car Controller, so I'd really love to use it.

Eduadel commented 5 months ago

+1 Please Stellantis

ritschi86 commented 5 months ago

+1 Please Stellantis

RlfSt commented 5 months ago


nuiler commented 5 months ago

I would also like to ask Stellantis for help to support the developer.
This would also translate into better customer satisfaction

FMersdonk commented 5 months ago

I am also affected by this issue und would like to ask Stellantis for support.

mahil4711 commented 5 months ago


FloR012 commented 5 months ago

+1 for PSA-Car Controller as HomAssistant plugin to manage not charge my Opel Corsa E above 80% SOC

sod75 commented 5 months ago

This PSA Car Controller plug for Home-Assistant let's me integrate my car into my domotica setup in ways that will never be possible via a standalone App. This is the whole point of having an API, and now it no longer works. Please let us use it properly.

0x3dlux commented 5 months ago

Yes please! I use(d) psa_car_controller to integrate nice graphs of my car's SoC, odometer, consumption and temperature sensor into my home automation system. I was able to start and stop the charging depending on what the photovoltaic on my roof produced (only use the cheaper electricity) and/or how busy the electrical grid was (delay the charge into the night). I would also stop the charge at 80% to extend the battery's life and send notifications to my wife's phone when she forgot to plug the car in the evening when it probably wouldn't manage the next day's trip to work depending on the temperature forecast. None of this can be done via the official app and, except for maybe low battery notifications and the 80% thing, I don't think it should.

Your French/Belgian engineering colleagues should be able to recognize me by now: yes, you "needed" (?) to replace the not-so-cheap traction battery in my Corsa (although I'm rather confident that much of the old battery is still fine) since, while on holiday, the 12V battery ran empty because I polled the car every 5mins which would keep it awake for up to 2mins each time (why 🤷?) for a 1~2s data transfer. That empty 12V battery apparently caused some "malfunction on the high power relays" which, after manually recharging the 12V battery, put the car back into action for another couple of weeks but ultimately ended after another few days of non-use in the infamous "Systemfehler Elektroantrieb", a towing service and almost 2 months of waiting to get the car back!

During our post-mortem phone call we kind of agreed that this situation could have been avoided by adding rate-limits on either side, some voltage monitoring, by using the PSA-server-side caches instead of contacting the car each time (even though to store the data as "live" as possible and not have some cache mess it up was kind of my goal), by only polling the car while it was charging (again not what I wanted to achieve) or by putting the car back into sleep a lot quicker, but that's something us end-users can't really control (yet?). You also seem to have recognized that a 12V battery running empty while there are tens of kWh sitting right next to it as a bug and that some sort of emergency-recharging will become part of your next hardware iteration. So kudos to that.

And trust me, I've been there many times on both the "tinkerer" side as well as on the "business" side of things: companies only DO profit from properly supporting Open-Source communities and vice-versa. Consider us "curious idea factories and problem solvers that don't even ask for a salary" (we may cost a bit when we break things within the warranty period 😇 but ultimately we all learn how to build less fragile products that way). All we want is to be able to interact with our battery-powered servers on wheels that we paid for like with any other server. What we definitely don't want is to be sidestepped when you introduce major, breaking API and/or authentication changes to the gateway that you still force to sit between us and our toys without any kind of alert or announcement and that you artificially increase the complexity for no real gain other than to waste a few people's weekends trying to trace and replicate your changes.

fwiw I don't even want to depend on this "reverse engineered 3rd party product", as you so aptly called it during our call. I would be more than happy if @flobz who maintains this software in his spare time and who is probably starting to be annoyed by the "angry mob" right now to get his spare time back and that we all could access some nicely documented, official API provided directly by the manufacturer. Self-hosting the server-side of things and being able to reprogram our cars to actually only contact our own servers and not leaking private usage and even precise location (!) data into the manufacturer's cloud would be the next logical step but I don't think we're quite there yet. Technologically, well of course it could be done within a week. Mentally, financially and of course the default excuse "it's easier for the user" [mumble]and so much easier to maintain[/mumble]... so no, of course we're not there yet. And that's fine for now. Cars with APIs are still a pretty new thing and someone else's cloud in-between is still somewhat tolerable for (re)liability reasons. For now. Up to a point...

tl;dr: could we please all get our toys back now?

Michel83 commented 5 months ago


dortmund50 commented 5 months ago

+1 Go stellantis, that would be great!

seb585 commented 5 months ago


Afromies commented 5 months ago


xydbyx commented 5 months ago


CKlapper commented 5 months ago


beimaik commented 5 months ago


larss commented 5 months ago


uzeller commented 5 months ago

+1 Need it to add my Opel to my Home Assistant

andlem74 commented 5 months ago

Really needed.

Easyrunner commented 5 months ago

Need it to add my Electric Peugeot in the OpenWB Wallbox environment!

casanunda80 commented 5 months ago

+1 I also like to use Home assistant integration, mainly for setting charge limit to 80%.

jaykijay commented 5 months ago

It's embarrassing that you have to go to such lengths to charge your battery to a maximum of 80%. What's even more embarrassing is that the B2C API still doesn't work and the ONLY working solution is now also hindered by Stellantis. Please finally release the API. It's crazy that you suddenly couldn't charge your car with your OpenWB wallbox anymore.

youradds commented 5 months ago

+1 - enough is enough! I spent a lot of money on this car , the least you could do is have a working API we can use! The official Vauxhall one is a joke... most of the time it doesn't work, and when it does, its super super slow!!!! The PSA Car Controller plugs a gap that shouldn't even exist... but 3+ years down the line, still does

jbd-gh commented 5 months ago

Let's increase the numbers: 👍 It's needed for all kind of third party IOT/Home Automation projects that are not doable with the "regular" apps provided (they are good for the "lambda user", but lack all other fancy stuff that could be great to have, and are there with other car makers)

NDNR commented 5 months ago

Yes, it was very useful so please help us !

dfkjghls commented 5 months ago

I also need the SOC-information to charge to 80%. Corsa-e 53000 km. Maybe the last PSA-Car ...

andy6325 commented 5 months ago

+1 as the Corsa cannot be woken up by the go-e charger. Working with every other car, but not with this one....

mj1985 commented 5 months ago

+1 for my Astra Hybrid and the great overview of trips and the nice integration into Home Assistant

tger977 commented 5 months ago

+1 it is very annoying not to have a SoC of Our eCorsa for our openWB wallbox any more for a convienent and battery life optimized charging experience ... PLEASE Release the API as Soon as possible! Thanks!

rabbit83ka commented 5 months ago


jeti-flight commented 5 months ago

The change also broke evcc. All having a mixed environment @home not using "certified" i.e "vendor locked" components are in trouble now.

jvpap commented 5 months ago


andig commented 5 months ago

Instead of +1 upvote in the issue. Makes it easier to calculate the total sum of people interested. Adding to the list of interested parties.

docsnyder7 commented 5 months ago

+1 to manage my Opel Mokka e with PV Energy

feu77 commented 5 months ago

+1 make the API available for us to read the SOC, manage the charging level...for Home-Assistant, openWB etc...

I have a Mokka e for 18 months now. What a bad experience, not only in terms of range (in winter you can be happy if you have 100km fully charged...), driving experience, interior space...what a crap car. The app: totally useless, it even doesn't let you manage max charge level. Try to update the navi...LOL..dl speed of 1-2 kb/sec if connection to servers at all..

A shame on such a big company, Stellantis.

torstenmichl commented 5 months ago

Sehr geehrter Herr Michl,

vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Obwohl wir Ihr Interesse am Zugriff auf das B2C-API schätzen, bedauere ich, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass wir derzeit keine Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit oder den Veröffentlichungszeitplan unserer APIs an Drittanbieterentwickler weitergeben.

Derzeit unterstützen wir nur die Verwendung unserer offiziellen App und raten von der Verwendung von Apps oder Tools ab, die von Drittanbietern zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Wir arbeiten ständig daran, unser Angebot zu verbessern, und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis, während wir uns darauf konzentrieren, die bestmögliche Erfahrung durch unsere offiziellen Anwendungen zu bieten. Wenn es in Zukunft Aktualisierungen oder Änderungen an der API-Zugriffspolitik gibt, werden wir diese über unsere offiziellen Kanäle kommunizieren.

Bei weiteren Fragen oder Anliegen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Stanislava Bako

Peugeot Deutschland Kundenbetreuung

Telefon 0614 2293 5000

Clebena commented 5 months ago

Sehr geehrter Herr Michl,

vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Obwohl wir Ihr Interesse am Zugriff auf das B2C-API schätzen, bedauere ich, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass wir derzeit keine Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit oder den Veröffentlichungszeitplan unserer APIs an Drittanbieterentwickler weitergeben.

Derzeit unterstützen wir nur die Verwendung unserer offiziellen App und raten von der Verwendung von Apps oder Tools ab, die von Drittanbietern zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Wir arbeiten ständig daran, unser Angebot zu verbessern, und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis, während wir uns darauf konzentrieren, die bestmögliche Erfahrung durch unsere offiziellen Anwendungen zu bieten. Wenn es in Zukunft Aktualisierungen oder Änderungen an der API-Zugriffspolitik gibt, werden wir diese über unsere offiziellen Kanäle kommunizieren.

Bei weiteren Fragen oder Anliegen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Stanislava Bako

Peugeot Deutschland Kundenbetreuung

Telefon 0614 2293 5000

This is outrageous! PSA clearly do not have the capacity to develop a fully functional App, you have the chance to have intelligent people doing it free for you and adding customer satisfaction and you refuse it! If you aim for mediocrity you're on the good direction.

Gschrooyen commented 5 months ago


youradds commented 5 months ago

With that attitude @torstenmichl , this Corsa will be the last PSA/Stellantis car I ever buy! Disgusting. Exactly what @Clebena said!

KingKahn123 commented 5 months ago


deadrabbit87 commented 5 months ago


Clebena commented 5 months ago

With that attitude @Clebena , this Corsa will be the last PSA/Stellantis car I ever buy! Disgusting. Exactly what @torstenmichl said!

Don't you have the @ in the wrong order? 🤔

youradds commented 5 months ago

With that attitude @Clebena , this Corsa will be the last PSA/Stellantis car I ever buy! Disgusting. Exactly what @torstenmichl said!

Don't you have the @ in the wrong order? 🤔

haha oops - yes I did! I've corrected it now :) Sorry about that! (I was seeing red lol)