Stellaris-Immortal / retile

Repository for Stellaris Immortal alpha
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 10 forks source link

[BUG] : #502

Closed civilzadedkille closed 4 years ago

civilzadedkille commented 4 years ago


Faction wants gunboat diplomacy which is only available to machine intelligence.

EDIT: In \pop_faction_types\retile_militarist.txt it reads:

    unfulfilled_title = "MILITARIST_NO_GUNBOAT_DIPLOMACY"

and trigger = { owner = { has_policy_flag = diplo_stance_belligerent } } I'm guessing it should be supremacist(?) or the policy should be added to organics to match the localization string.

gebnar commented 4 years ago

I've adjusted the localization for that faction demand to better represent the appropriate policy choice that will satisfy them. Should suffice for now at least.