Stellarium / stellarium

Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and macOS. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Calculate Satellite transits for selected object #1100

Open hunterofdoom opened 4 years ago

hunterofdoom commented 4 years ago

It would be awesome if you could calculate when a satellite and which, will do a transit on the selected object!!

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

Thanks for adding your first issue to Stellarium. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

gzotti commented 4 years ago

There are dedicated websites for that. Try Or ask NORAD.

Resident-Cloud commented 4 years ago

This would be a great feature, especially with the possibility to take into account the field of view of a pre-defined setup, to find out about the number of satellite strikes when planning an astrophotography-session. Would be a precious feature in the new Starlink era.

gzotti commented 4 years ago

Prognosis of actual occultation of stars by satellites requires deep expertise on the matter, more than we can provide. Don't wait for it to happen by itself, do it and send your pull request.

After the end of Iridium flares we have disabled and hidden this nice feature effective as of 0.20.2.

In this upcoming era of utter insanity with 12.000 Starlink satellites the question is whether anybody can develop a scheme how 10 or 20 minutes of exposure can be found without one of these creeps zapping through.

Resident-Cloud commented 4 years ago

I am no programmer but we have already overlayed the field of view and we see the satellites moving through. I just wondered how it would be able to match and count those matches?

fliker09 commented 4 years ago

There is an open source solution for this task and it works, verified: But it lacks visualization... I am trying to use Stellarium for that, but it has 2 issues - no ability to go sub-second time steps and orbital track does not match with ISS when zooming in close (will open now a bug report on this one)