Closed rdezon closed 5 years ago
Please show config.ini file
P.S. Why your GPS device mapped as usbmodem?
USB device like this one are always mapped as usmodemxxxxx on macOS. I have tried both cu.usbmodemxxxxx and tty.usbmodemxxxxx. Only cu.usbmodem is ok (tested with cat /dev/cu.usbmodem). Maybe the attached the one with tty.usbmodem in the config.ini file. As gpsd works on macOS I would prefer to use it. I also tried to add gps_hostname and gps_port in the config.ini file without success.
config.ini [DialogPositions] Help = 722,319 Location = 591,273
[DialogSizes] AstroCalc = 936,422 Configuration = 882,665 Help = 476,441 Location = 738,533 Oculars = 939,693 Satellites = 679,606 Search = 507,279 View = 983,686
[Satellites] hint_color = 0.0,0.4,0.6 hint_font_size = 10 last_update = 2019-07-09T12:56:35 orbit_fade_segments = 5 orbit_line_flag = true orbit_line_segments = 90 orbit_segment_duration = 20 show_satellite_hints = false show_satellite_labels = true tle_sources/1/url = tle_sources/10/url = tle_sources/2/url = tle_sources/3/url = tle_sources/4/url = tle_sources/5/add_new = true tle_sources/5/url = tle_sources/6/url = tle_sources/7/url = tle_sources/8/url = tle_sources/9/url = tle_sources/size = 10 update_frequency_hours = 72 updates_enabled = true
[astro] flag_bright_nebulae = false flag_extinction_below_horizon = true flag_grs_custom = false flag_light_travel_time = false flag_milky_way = true flag_nebula = true flag_nebula_display_no_texture = false flag_nebula_long_name = false flag_nebula_name = false flag_nebula_ngc = false flag_object_trails = false flag_planets = true flag_planets_hints = false flag_planets_labels = true flag_planets_orbits = false flag_star_name = true flag_stars = true flag_telescope_name = false flag_telescopes = false flag_use_de430 = true flag_use_de431 = true grs_drift = 15 grs_jd = 2456901.5 grs_longitude = 216 labels_amount = 3 max_mag_nebula_name = 8 meteor_rate = 10 milky_way_intensity = 1 nebula_hints_amount = 3 nebula_scale = 1
[color] azimuthal_color = 0.3,0.2,0.1 cardinal_color = 0.77,0.22,0.1 const_boundary_color = 0.3,0.1,0.1 const_lines_color = 0.13,0.19,0.24 const_names_color = 0.31,0.38,0.46 default_color = 0.458,0.509,0.671 dso_circle_color = 1.0,0.68,0.20 dso_label_color = 0.15,0.65,0.65 ecliptic_J2000_color = 0.3,0.3,0.1 ecliptic_color = 0.6,0.2,0.2 equator_color = 0.2,0.2,0.6 equatorial_J2000_color = 0.1,0.3,0.4 equatorial_color = 0.1,0.2,0.3 galactic_color = 0.0,0.3,0.2 galactic_plane_color = 0.5,0.3,0.1 gui_base_color = 0.458,0.509,0.671 gui_text_color = 0.8,0.87,0.87 horizon_color = 0.2,0.6,0.2 meridian_color = 0.2,0.6,0.2 object_trails_color = 1,0.7,0 planet_names_color = 0.46,0.51,0.67 planet_orbits_color = 0.69,0.2,0.2 script_console_comment_color = 1.0,1.0,0.0 script_console_constant_color = 1.0,0.5,0.5 script_console_function_color = 0.0,1.0,0.0 script_console_keyword_color = 1.0,0.0,1.0 script_console_module_color = 0.0,1.0,1.0 sky_background_color = 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 star_label_color = 0.4,0.3,0.5 telescope_circle_color = 0.6,0.4,0 telescope_label_color = 0.6,0.4,0
[custom_selected_info] flag_show_absolutemagnitude = false flag_show_altaz = false flag_show_catalognumber = false flag_show_distance = false flag_show_extra1 = false flag_show_extra2 = false flag_show_extra3 = false flag_show_hourangle = false flag_show_magnitude = false flag_show_name = false flag_show_radecj2000 = false flag_show_radecofdate = false flag_show_size = false
[gui] auto_hide_horizontal_toolbar = true auto_hide_vertical_toolbar = true base_font_name = DejaVuSans.ttf base_font_size = 13 day_key_mode = calendar flag_mouse_cursor_timeout = false flag_show_flip_buttons = false flag_show_nebulae_background_button = false gps_baudrate = 9600 gps_interface = /dev/cu.usbmodem14631 mouse_cursor_timeout = 10 selected_object_info = all
[hips] show = false
[init_location] landscape_name = guereins location = 45.7485, 4.84671
[landscape] atmosphere_fade_duration = 0.5 atmospheric_extinction_coefficient = 0.200000002980232 flag_atmosphere = false flag_fog = true flag_landscape = true flag_landscape_sets_location = false pressure_mbar = 1013 temperature_C = 15
[localization] app_locale = fr date_display_format = yyyymmdd sky_culture = western sky_locale = fr time_display_format = system_default time_zone = system_default
[main] check_updates_enabled = true invert_screenshots_colors = false restore_defaults = false screenshot_dir = /Users/rdezon/Desktop version = 0.19.1
[navigation] auto_move_duration = 1.4 auto_zoom_out_resets_direction = false flag_enable_mouse_navigation = true flag_enable_move_keys = true flag_enable_zoom_keys = true flag_manual_zoom = false init_fov = 60 init_view_pos = 0.27851,0.866613,0.414022 mouse_zoom = 10 move_speed = 0.0004 preset_sky_time = 2451514.25001157 startup_time_mode = actual viewing_mode = horizon zoom_speed = 0.00035
[night_color] azimuthal_color = 0.3,0.2,0.1 cardinal_color = 0.8,0.1,0.1 const_boundary_color = 0.8,0.3,0.3 const_lines_color = 0.5,0.1,0.1 const_names_color = 0.8,0.2,0.2 default_color = 0.458,0.509,0.671 ecliptic_color = 0.6,0.2,0.2 equator_color = 0.2,0.2,0.6 equatorial_color = 0.1,0.2,0.3 gui_base_color = 0.7,0.2,0.1 gui_text_color = 0.9,0.4,0.2 horizon_color = 0.2,0.6,0.2 meridian_color = 0.2,0.6,0.2 nebula_circle_color = 0.2,0.2,0.8 nebula_label_color = 0.3,0.3,0.7 object_trails_color = 1,0.7,0 planet_names_color = 0.8,0.2,0.2 planet_orbits_color = 0.8,0.2,0.2 script_console_comment_color = 0.7,0.0,0.0 script_console_constant_color = 0.9,0.0,0.0 script_console_function_color = 0.8,0.0,0.0 script_console_keyword_color = 0.8,0.0,0.0 script_console_module_color = 0.8,0.0,0.0 star_circle_color = 0.2,0.2,0.8 star_label_color = 0.3,0.3,0.7 telescope_circle_color = 0.6,0.4,0 telescope_label_color = 0.6,0.4,0
[plugins_load_at_startup] AngleMeasure = false ArchaeoLines = false CompassMarks = false EquationOfTime = false Exoplanets = false FOV = false MeteorShowers = false NavStars = false Novae = false Observability = false Oculars = true PointerCoordinates = false Pulsars = false Quasars = false RemoteControl = false RemoteSync = false Satellites = true Scenery3d = false Scenery3dMgr = false SolarSystemEditor = true Supernovae = false TelescopeControl = false TextUserInterface = false TimeZoneConfiguration = true
[projection] flag_use_gl_point_sprite = false flip_horz = false flip_vert = false type = ProjectionStereographic viewport = none viewportMask = none
[scripts] flag_script_allow_ui = false scripting_allow_write_files = false
[search] flag_search_online = true simbad_server_url =
[spheric_mirror] distorter_max_fov = 180 dome_radius = 5.0 flag_use_ext_framebuffer_object = false flip_horz = false flip_vert = false image_distance_div_height = 2.67 mirror_position_x = 0 mirror_position_y = 5 mirror_position_z = 0 mirror_radius = 0.37 projector_alpha = 0 projector_delta = 10.6 projector_gamma = 0.3 projector_phi = 0 projector_position_x = 0 projector_position_y = 4 projector_position_z = 0 texture_triangle_base_length = 8
[stars] absolute_scale = 1 flag_point_star = false flag_star_twinkle = true init_bortle_scale = 3 labels_amount = 3 mag_converter_max_fov = 90 mag_converter_min_fov = 0.001 relative_scale = 1 star_twinkle_amount = 0.2
[tui] flag_enable_tui_menu = true flag_show_gravity_ui = false flag_show_tui_datetime = false flag_show_tui_short_obj_info = false tui_font_size = 15
[video] fullscreen = true horizontal_offset = 0 maximum_fps = 10000 minimum_fps = 18 screen_h = 768 screen_w = 1024 screen_x = 0 screen_y = 0 vertical_offset = 0 viewport_effect = none
[viewing] constellation_art_fade_duration = 1.5 constellation_art_intensity = 0.449999988079071 flag_azimuthal_grid = false flag_cardinal_points = true flag_chart = false flag_constellation_art = false flag_constellation_boundaries = false flag_constellation_drawing = true flag_constellation_isolate_selected = false flag_constellation_name = true flag_ecliptic_J2000_grid = false flag_ecliptic_line = false flag_equator_line = false flag_equatorial_J2000_grid = false flag_equatorial_grid = false flag_galactic_grid = false flag_galactic_plane_line = false flag_gravity_labels = false flag_horizon_line = false flag_meridian_line = false flag_moon_scaled = false flag_night = false light_pollution_luminance = 0.0 moon_scale = 4 use_luminance_adaptation = true
The User Guide is (I think) pretty clear about how to configure Stellarium with gpsd (section 5.5.4). Do NOT configure gps_interface or gps_baudrate. Configure gpsd_hostname and gpsd_port. If that does not work, make sure you are allowed to use gpsd queries on the command line. I developed it on Linux and Windows but cannot test on a Mac.
I tested gpsd configuration only first and direct interface configuration after as it should also work on a Mac. Whatever I'm doing I always have serial port detection in the log. I'm using the lastest 3.19 gpsd version and dynamic library. Queries from command line with cgps, a command line client provided with gpsd package, are working well. I also change local port with in gpsd_hostname or with another linux host name running gpsd on my network (with gpsd -G option) without any effect. What should I see in the log file from gpsd detection ? How I could debug this part ?
I think I know why GPSD is not working properly with version 0.19.1 on macOS. I need some experiments for it.
May I help?
Sorry can't test this one as it build for macOS 10.14 only and I'm using macOS 10.13 High Sierra
It's very strange. Please check it:
This one is working well. I can get position from gps. Although there is nothing in the log about it. log.txt
This is very good! It was package building issue.
Note: at the moment all beta versions required DSO catalog version 3.7!
That's nice that you solved this problem. Using gpsd is very convenient because I travel a lot. The DSO V3.7 Extended Catalog is not yet available. I had loaded the previous version to use it with the standard Stellarium.
Installed from Macport or with gpsdX app, gpsd is perfectly functional on macOS. Even when running on the default port (2947) Stellarium can't get positions from gpsd. It Keep saying "GPS: Failed" when clicking on the dialog box button.
I have try to get position directly from device serial port adding gps_interface and gps_baudrate in config.ini (Stellarium user guide chap 5.5.4). The GPS receiver is correctly detected but no position is read.
System Stellarium version: 0.19.1 Operating system: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Graphics Card: Intel Iris GPS receiver: u-Blox USB attached
Logfile log.txt