Stenway / RSV-Specification

Rows of String Values (RSV Data Format) Specification - A Simple Binary Alternative to CSV
MIT License
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RSV & Wikipedia #2

Open PSLLSP opened 5 months ago

PSLLSP commented 5 months ago

RSV is interesting idea but the format has no page at Wikipedia, it has no RFC, there are no tools to support this file format...

Tools/utilities to convert CSV, JSON or TSV to/from RSV and tools to validate "syntax" of RSV files; this is important for new data format, to have a tool to verify compatibility with the standard... JSON has jq, xmlstarlet could be used to validate XML files, etc, Something like this should be designed for RSV...

Could be RSV processed by awk or gawk? It can be generated in awk but am not sure how difficult it will be to parse RSV in awk...

BTW, you have interested videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, those videos, about about structured file formats, miss structure! Please, check how to add chapters to YouTube videos, easy and powerful feature... One of many tutorials on YouTube chapters or other video tutorial

One more note, this XKCD story is about RSV ;-)

simonrupf commented 3 weeks ago

@PSLLSP I can now offer you an rq tool, though it does simply convert to JSON and use jq under the hood.