StepanTheGreat / quadify

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Tracking issue for Infrastructural Changes #3

Open sokorototo opened 1 month ago

sokorototo commented 1 month ago


pub struct KeyModifiers(pub KeyMods)

- [ ] Asset Management; Write our own `AssetServer`, `Assets` and `Handle`. Or we use an external crate
StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

I think everything is perfect, though is KeyModifiers supposed to be an example, or an actual component? And if so, why?

My last question is what to do with say math; Should we use bevy_math for graphics and everything, or do we create something of our own? (though both macroquad and bevy use glam for math, so I guess we can keep bevy_math)

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

Also, do you mind me adding you as a collaborator? From your fork changes you look way more experienced than me, lol. I think this will simplify the workflow

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

Also, do you mind me adding you as a collaborator? From your fork changes you look way more experienced than me, lol. I think this will simplify the workflow

I wanted to ask you to add me :) Sure add me, I have written a lot of Rust, but I'm not quite in tune with Bevy's internals

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

Sure, adding... I'm new to bevy internals as well, started learning after making this plugin (because bevy compile times are insufferable)

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

BTW you can enable dynamic linking for Bevy, using the dynamic feature. For me, it's not the compile times, I just have a thing for minimalism

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

Yeah, it does speed up recompiles, but in my case, I have a workspace of 3 projects and my OS isn't even able to operate normally because of the amount of RAM taken (it's of course not a common issue, but the one I'm facing). Also I don't like bevy's huge binary size; for me the only reason I chose bevy is its fantastic ECS.

Back to the topic I suppose, do you mind pushing directly to the original repo's overhaul branch? So for example I can easily see your pushed commits. Furthermore, I'm removing the render branch because right now it's useless.

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

Sure let me try making a push right now

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

@StepanTheGreat bevy_app has a hard dependency on #[wasm_bindgen], meaning it's fundamentally incomaptible with sapp-jsutils. Either we scrap bevy_app (Losing Plugin support) or port miniquad to #[wasm_bindgen]. I prefer scrapping bevy_app. The other alternative is ditching the Web, which I am strongly against

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

No way. Actually, I had a suspicion that say bevy's threading is wasm_bindgen dependent, but bevy_app as well?!? Is at least bevy_ecs itself independent from wasm_bindgen...? Answering your question - sure.

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

Actually, yes, I think it does depend, because bevy_ecs depends on bevy_tasks, which itself depends on wasm_bindgen on wasm. So I'm guessing we either have to scrap absolutely everything, or adapt miniquad to wasm_bindgen... If we do scrap bevy - this crate loses its main purpose (Ig). In extreme case we might need to take another ECS library, and reinvent bevy's ECS main features like Resources, Events, Schedules and so on.

Maybe porting miniquad to wasm_bindgen at this point is not that extreme?

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

I am experimenting with a miniquad port. It's not as hard as I thought, but I'd be damned if this codebase isn't arkane 😵

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

Sorry if a bit irrelevant, but do you have any platform where we can discuss this issue more freely?

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

Social Platform? Yeah, several. But shouldn't we keep discussions here?

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

We should, but I think this will be instead for minor organizational questions that are too slow in github issues. Do you have a discord account? And if so, how about a little discord server where this all can be discussed?

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

I think a server is overkill, maybe a small discussion?

StepanTheGreat commented 1 month ago

A discussion in discord or here (github, like on bevy's repo)? If in discord, I'm proposing a temporary server link where we can then start a conversation, or we can create something simple here?

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

We can use a simple discord conversation, or have the conversation in the Rust Gamedev server

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

My Discord username is: sokorototo

Also, the miniquad wasm backend was very patchy, I am kinda happy I got to take a look at it and improve it a lot!

sokorototo commented 1 month ago

@StepanTheGreat so far the conversion is going great, I have converted everything except for the WebGL bindings, which are a mountain of unsafe code 💀