Stephan-S / FS22_AutoDrive

FS22 version of the AutoDrive mod
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Issue in unloading Dewulf ZKIVSE #1121

Open dynilath opened 1 month ago

dynilath commented 1 month ago

Looks like the tractor is trying to go to a position that's too early for unload.

The pipe offset setting only works in X-axis, this seems like a miss in Z-axis so I can do nothing with it

Axel32019 commented 1 month ago

Please add a zip-file with following files: log.txt, AutoDrive_config.xml, AutoDriveUsersData.xml, vehicles.xml

dynilath commented 1 month ago

I found that there is a high probability that this problem can be solved immediately by restarting the game. Reproduction may take some time.