Stephan-S / FS22_AutoDrive

FS22 version of the AutoDrive mod
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Selling wood does not work or need flip-flop-drive mode with infinite notifications #454

Open thraidh opened 2 years ago

thraidh commented 2 years ago

The autodrive helper does not sell wood at the saw mill. On pickup-and-deliver it would just drive there and come back with a full trailer.

Is this a bug, not implemented or am I doing something wrong?

If this is not possible right now and hard to implement, it would be nice to have a kind of "flip-flop" drive mode, which would be like the current "drive" mode, but you'd have a secondary target. As soon as the driver reaches the target, it will deactivate and flip the primary and secondary target.

It would also be nice to change the notification duration to infinite on a per-vehicle or even per-mode base. If I send a vehicle home, I don't really care, if it arrived, but if I send it to sell wood, I want to have that notification there until I enter that vehicle.

Iwan1803 commented 2 years ago

There is no information in the release notes regarding the autoload trailer for wooden logs. So there is nothing implemented right now 😉

thraidh commented 2 years ago

It's not only autoload trailers. It seems there are these modes of unloading:

I guess, that unloading mode is just not supported (yet).

thraidh commented 2 years ago

For things that cannot be fully automated (apparently Courseplay cannot automatically load square cotton bales), it would be nice to have a "deliver and come back" mode. "Load and deliver" almost works, but when the driver comes back it will wait at the field, do nothing, but keeps costing money. "deliver and come back" would be the same, but as soon as the driver reaches the loading point which requires manual work, it should just deactivate, so it would be kind of a chained "deliver" and "goto".

Iwan1803 commented 2 years ago

As i wrote: there is nothing implemented right now to unload wooden logs and a new drive mode will not help solving this. For me it sounds more like a "solve my personal problem by adding new features". Btw. if you set "Load&Deliver" to run only one it will return to the loading target after unloading or to the assigned parking place if activated.

thraidh commented 2 years ago

Of course I have a problem, otherwise I wouldn't bother opening a request. My problem is, that it is cumbersome to deliver wood, because (as far as I know), the only way is to set the "goto" target to the unload point, wait until the driver reaches the destination, jump there, manually sell the wood, set the "goto" target to the loading point and repeat this process.

For grain I only have to set unload and load point once and everything else is automatic.

From a user's point of view I might ask, why does grain work, but not wood? From a developer's point of view I know that those things are treated differently and make an alternate suggestion on how to improve the life of those who want to deliver wood, even if fully automatic delivery is not possible because of the way wood is sold (which I don't know if it is possible or not).

Maybe there is something I'm doing wrong and that is why people do not request that more or people just silently complain that something does not work or people are just not delivering wood or those that do are not using AutoDrive at all.

Also thanks for the tip with "Load&Deliver" for one loop.

Iwan1803 commented 2 years ago

A request to integrate an "option" to solve a (personal) problem? Nice idea.... Did bales work with the ingame bale collector out of the box with AD? No, but we implemented it now. Did bags, pallets and bales work? No, but we added an option so that it can work with the AutoLoad mod from Achim. Maybe in a future version it will be possible to handle wooden logs with AD, but adding another mode does not sound like the right way to go.

thraidh commented 2 years ago

I'm not really requesting the flip-flop mode, even if that might also be helpful for TerraFarm players, who are filling their tippers with some material at one extraction site, send them to a dumping site, select a good place to unload, unload and send the tipper back to the extraction site.

My actual problem is, that I have a vehicle full of logs in some forest, want to send it to a saw mill, sell the logs and want to vehicle to come back to the forest. I'd like that to happen automatically just the same as it works with grain and now bales and AutoLoad palettes.

Anticipating that selling wood automatically might not be possible, I proposed one alternative way to simplify the process, if it could not be automated fully. There may be other solutions, like

All of those would improve the situation from what it is today, but if selling logs automatically is possible, they are not needed (except maybe by the TerraFarm players).

So, help me Iwan1803! You are my only hope!

RayzerSharpe commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue with Bales (silage and straw) when you are at a sell point. It just wont sell the bales so you need to turn off AutoDrive and effectively unload them manually. Then again its the same for all the inbuilt bale collectors. So its not particularly an issue with Autload. It maybe an issue with how sell points work in the game.

The same sell points will auto sell pallets for instance that have straps on them and loaded using the autoload function