StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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HYD-ZSS HP 5000 27**** inverter #258

Open nemenos opened 1 year ago

nemenos commented 1 year ago

Hello, I cannot make it work with my 27** serial number inverter (I have a ZCS Azzurro HYD-ZSS HP** 5000). It works using non hybrid configuration (zcs_azzurro-ktl-v3.yaml) but it misses lots of sensors, with sofar_hyd3k-6k-es.yaml it doesn't work at all thanks in advance

nemenos commented 1 year ago

I just think it's a matter of different registers. Anybody knows how to find documentation for reading correct registers for this inverter? Thank you

nemenos commented 1 year ago

279 pull request to support it

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

Ciao, io ho il protocollo sofar con i registri per gli inverter HYD xxxx EP che sono uguali ai ZCS HP. Tu sei capace a creare un yaml da questi registri? Protocol_Sofar-EP.xlsx

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

I just think it's a matter of different registers. Anybody knows how to find documentation for reading correct registers for this inverter? Thank you


nemenos commented 1 year ago

Ciao, è solo questione di correggere i registri. (Solo se sono diversi, magari domani faccio un controllo e potresti usare anche direttamente la mia configurazione) . Il numero (o i numeri) del registro lo trovi sul foglio "descrizione dell'indirizzo" e lo sostituisci facilmente, insieme al valore che trovi sullo "scale" e sull'unità di misura. Anche il mode è importante in base al tipo di da dato (U16) etc, e la classe. Ma andando un po' a intuito rispetto alle altre configurazioni si capisce abbastanza brne Comunque considera che non conosco python e dopo qualche prova sono riuscito, anche velocemente...

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

Quindi è sufficiente editare lo yaml in questione e modificare i registri necessari?

nemenos commented 1 year ago

Si, se aggiungi uno yaml nuovo, per farglielo vedere va anche aggiunto sul (se ricordo bene). comunque se guardi il mio pull request cmq si capisce bene. Adesso che ci penso, oltre a modificare i registri va anche specificato in cima al file quali sono i registri richiesti

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

Ho aggiunto il tuo yaml nella cartella inverter definitions e aggiunto il nome in Non vedo più le entità.

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

Ah, dimenticavo, io ho creato un gruppo su facebook per i possessori di inverter zcs, dove condividiamo problemi e soluzioni

nemenos commented 1 year ago

Ho aggiunto il tuo yaml nella cartella inverter definitions e aggiunto il nome in Non vedo più le entità.

mah, mi sembra strano... io grossi problemi non ne ho avuti.

vinceg0267 commented 1 year ago

sicuramente sbaglio qualcosa io, non capisco un tubo di queste cose. Ho copiato uno yaml sul desktop, ho cancellato il codice esistente e ho copiato il tuo, ho salvato con il nuovo nome e ho aggiunto il nome in Poi su impostazioni, dispositivi, ho selezionato solarman e configura e ho cambiato lo yaml in basso. Ho riavviato HA e mi da le entità non disponibili. benvenuto nel gruppo

eamarchese68 commented 1 year ago

Starting from the comments in this issue, some google searches and some tests, I could generate a working definition file for the 1PH version starting from the 3PH version sofar_g3hyd.yaml Here is the code.

  - start: 0x0404
    end: 0x0428
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0484
    end: 0x04AF
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
# off - grid info
#  - start: 0x0504
#    end: 0x051F
#    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0584
    end: 0x0589
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0604
    end: 0x060A # end of first battery after this continue battery pack 2,3,4
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0684
    end: 0x069B
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - group: Inverter
      - name: "Inverter status"
        class: ""
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0404 ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "waiting"
          - key: 1
            value: "detection"
          - key: 2
            value: "grid-connected"
          - key: 3
            value: "emergency power supply"
          - key: 4
            value: "recoverable fault"
          - key: 5
            value: "permanent fault"
          - key: 6
            value: "upgrade"
          - key: 7
            value: "self-charging"
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
      - name: "Ambient temperature"
        class: "temperature"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x0418 ]
        icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - name: "Radiator temperature"
        class: "temperature"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x041A ]
        icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - name: "Daily Generation Time"
        class: "time"
        uom: "min"
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0426 ]
        icon: 'mdi:clock'
      - name: "Total Generation Time"
        class: "time"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "min"
        scale: 1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0428,0x0427 ]
        icon: 'mdi:clock'
  - group: InverterDC
      - name: "PV1 Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0586 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV2 Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0589 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV1 Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0584 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV2 Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0587 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV1 Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0585 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV2 Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0588 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
  - group: Battery
      - name: "Battery Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x0606 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery-charging'

      - name: "Battery State of Charge"
        class: ""
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "%"
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0608 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery'

      - name: "Battery State of Health"
        class: ""
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "%"
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0609 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery'

      - name: "Battery Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x0605 ]
        icon: 'mdi:current-dc'

      - name: "Battery Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0604 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery'

      - name: "Battery Temperature"
        class: "temperature"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x0607 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery'
      - name: "Battery Number of Cycles"
        class: ""
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "cycle"
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x060A ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery'
  - group: Grid
      - name: "Grid Frequency"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "Hz"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0484 ]
        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
      - name: "Active Power Output Total"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0485 ]
        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
      - name: "Reactive Power Output Total"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0486 ]
        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
#      - name: "ApparentPower_Output_Total"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0487 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
      - name: "Active Power PCC Total"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x0488 ]
        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
#      - name: "ReactivePower_PCC_Total"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0489 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
#      - name: "ApparentPower_PCC_Total"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x048A ]
#        icon: 'mdi:home-lightning-bolt'
      - name: "Grid Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x048D ]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
      - name: "Inverter Output Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x048E ]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
      - name: "Grid Active Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 2
        registers: [ 0x048F ]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ReactivePower_Output_R"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0490 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_Output_R"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0491 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Current_PCC_R"
#        class: "current"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "A"
#        scale: 0.01
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x0492 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_PCC_R"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0493 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ReactivePower_PCC_R"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0494 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_PCC_R"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x0495 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Voltage_Phase_S"
#        class: "voltage"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "V"
#        scale: 0.1
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x0498 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Current_Output_S"
#        class: "current"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "A"
#        scale: 0.01
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x0499 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_Output_S"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x049A ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
##      - name: "ReactivePower_Output_S"
##        class: "power"
##        state_class: "measurement"
##        uom: "W"
##        scale: 10
##        rule: 2
##        registers: [ 0x049B ]
##        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_Output_S"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x049C ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Current_PCC_S"
#        class: "current"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "A"
#        scale: 0.01
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x049D ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_PCC_S"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x049E ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ReactivePower_PCC_S"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x049F ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_PCC_S"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04A0 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Voltage_Phase_T"
#        class: "voltage"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "V"
#        scale: 0.1
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x04A3 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Current_Output_T"
#        class: "current"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "A"
#        scale: 0.01
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x04A4 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_Output_T"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04A5 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
##      - name: "ReactivePower_Output_T"
##        class: "power"
##        state_class: "measurement"
##        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04A6 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_Output_T"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04A7 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "Current_PCC_T"
#        class: "current"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "A"
#        scale: 0.01
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x04A8 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_PCC_T"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04A9 ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ReactivePower_PCC_T"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04AA ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "PowerFactor_PCC_T"
#        class: "powerfactor"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "p.u."
#        scale: 0.001
#        rule: 2
#        registers: [ 0x04AB ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
#      - name: "ActivePower_PV_Ext"
#        class: "power"
#        state_class: "measurement"
#        uom: "W"
#        scale: 10
#        rule: 1
#        registers: [ 0x04AE ]
#        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
      - name: "Load Consumption"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x04AF ]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
  - group: Generation
      - name: "Daily PV Generation"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0685,0x0684 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
      - name: "Total PV Generation"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0687,0x0686 ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
      - name: "Daily Load Consumption"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0689,0x0688 ]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
      - name: "Total Load Consumption"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x068B,0x068A ]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "Daily Energy Bought"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x068D,0x068C ]
        icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower-export'

      - name: "Total Energy Bought"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x068F,0x068E ]
        icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower-export'

      - name: "Daily Energy Sold"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0691,0x0690 ]
        icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower-import'

      - name: "Total Energy Sold"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0693,0x0692 ]
        icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower-import'

      - name: "Daily Battery Charge"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0695,0x0694 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery-plus'
      - name: "Total Battery Charge"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0697,0x0696 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery-plus'
      - name: "Daily Battery Discharge"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x0699,0x0698 ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery-minus'
      - name: "Total Battery Discharge"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [ 0x069b,0x069A ]
        icon: 'mdi:battery-minus'
  - group: Alert
      - name: "Alert"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 6
        registers: [ 0x0405,0x0406,0x0407,0x0408,0x0409,0x040A,0x040B,0x040C,0x040D,0x040E,0x040F,0x0410 ]

      - name: "Fault 1"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [ 0x0405 ]
        isstr: true
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: "ID01 Grid Over Voltage Protection"
          - key: 2
            value: "ID02 Grid Under Voltage Protection"
          - key: 4
            value: "ID03 Grid Over Frequency Protection"
          - key: 8
            value: "ID04 Grid Under Frequency Protection"
          - key: 16
            value: "ID05 Leakage current fault"
          - key: 32
            value: "ID06 High penetration error"
          - key: 64
            value: "ID07 Low penetration error"
          - key: 128
            value: "ID08 Islanding error"
          - key: 256
            value: "ID09 Grid voltage transient value overvoltage 1"
          - key: 512
            value: "ID10 Grid voltage transient value overvoltage 2"
          - key: 1024
            value: "ID11 Grid line voltage error"
          - key: 2048
            value: "ID12 Inverter voltage error"
          - key: 4096
            value: "ID13 Anti-backflow overload"
          - key: 8192
            value: "ID14"
          - key: 16384
            value: "ID15"
          - key: 32768
            value: "ID16"
      - name: "Fault 2"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true
        registers: [ 0x0406 ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: "ID17 Grid current sampling error"
          - key: 2
            value: "ID18 Grid current DC component sampling error (AC side)"
          - key: 4
            value: "ID19 Grid voltage sampling error (DC side)"
          - key: 8
            value: "ID20 Grid voltage sampling error (AC side)"
          - key: 16
            value: "ID21 Leakage current sampling error (DC side)"
          - key: 32
            value: "ID22 Leakage current sampling error (AC side)"
          - key: 64
            value: "ID23 Load voltage DC component sampling error"
          - key: 128
            value: "ID24 DC input current sampling error"
          - key: 256
            value: "ID25 DC component sampling error of grid current (DC side)"
          - key: 512
            value: "ID26 DC input branch current sampling error"
          - key: 1024
            value: "ID27"
          - key: 2048
            value: "ID28"
          - key: 4096
            value: "ID29 Leakage current consistency error"
          - key: 8192
            value: "ID30 Grid voltage consistency error"
          - key: 16384
            value: "ID31 DCI consistency error"
          - key: 32768
            value: "ID32"
      - name: "Fault 3"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true

        registers: [ 0x0407 ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID033 SPI communication error (DC side)'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID034 SPI communication error (AC side)'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID035 Chip error (DC side)'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID036 Chip error (AC side)'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID037 Auxiliary power error'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID038 Inverter soft start failure'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID039 '
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID040 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID041 Relay detection failure'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID042 Low insulation impedance'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID043 Grounding error'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID044 Input mode setting error'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID045 CT error'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID046 Input reversal error'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID047 Parallel error'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID048 Serial number error'
      - name: "Fault 4"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [ 0x0408 ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID049 Battery temperature protection'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID050 Heat sink 1 temperature protection'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID051 Heater 2 temperature protection'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID052 Heater 3 temperature protection'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID053 Heatsink 4 temperature protection'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID054 Heatsink 5 temperature protection'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID055 Radiator 6 temperature protection'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID056 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID057 Ambient temperature 1 protection'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID058 Ambient temperature 2 protection'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID059 Module 1 temperature protection'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID060 Module 2 temperature protection'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID061 Module 3 temperature protection'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID062 Module temperature difference is too large'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID063 '
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID064 '
      - name: "Fault 5"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [ 0x0409 ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID065 Bus voltage RMS unbalance'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID066 Bus voltage transient   value unbalance'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID067 Undervoltage of busbar during grid connection'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID068 Bus bar low voltage'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID069 PV overvoltage'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID070 Battery over-voltage'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID071 LLCBus overvoltage protection'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID072 Inverter bus voltage RMS software overvoltage'
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID073 Inverter bus voltage transient value software overvoltage'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID074 Flying Cross Capacitor Overvoltage Protection'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID075 Flying Cross capacitor undervoltage protection'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID076 '
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID077 '
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID078 '
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID079 '
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID080 '
      - name: "Fault 6"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true
        registers: [ 0x040A ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID081 Battery overcurrent software protection'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID082 Dci overcurrent protection'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID083 Output transient current protection'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID084 BuckBoost software overcurrent'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID085 Output RMS current protection'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID086 PV instantaneous current overcurrent software protection'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID087 PV parallel uneven current'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID088 Output current unbalance'
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID089 PV software overcurrent protection'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID090 Balanced circuit overcurrent protection'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID091 Resonance protection'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID092 '
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID093 '
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID094 '
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID095 '
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID096 '
      - name: "Fault 7"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true
        registers: [ 0x040B ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID097 LLC bus hardware overvoltage'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID098 Inverter bus hardware overvoltage'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID099 BuckBoost hardware overcurrent'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID100 Battery hardware overcurrent'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID101 '
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID102 PV hardware overcurrent'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID103 AC output hardware overcurrent'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID104 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID105 Power meter error'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID106 Serial number model error'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID107 '
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID108 '
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID109 '
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID110 Overload protection 1'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID111 Overload protection 2'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID112 Overload protection 3'

      - name: "Fault 8"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [ 0x040C ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID113 Overtemperature derating'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID114 Frequency down load'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID115 Frequency loading'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID116 Voltage down load'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID117 Voltage loading'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID118 '
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID119 '
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID120 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID121 Lightning protection failure (DC)'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID122 Lightning protection failure (AC)'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID123 '
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID124 Battery low voltage protection'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID125 Battery low voltage shutdown'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID126 Battery low voltage pre-alarm'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID127 '
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID128 '
      - name: "Fault 9"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true

        registers: [ 0x040D ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID129 Output hardware overcurrent permanent fault'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID130 Bus overvoltage permanent fault'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID131 Bus hardware over-voltage permanent fault'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID132 PV uneven flow permanent fault'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID133 Battery overcurrent permanent fault in EPS mode'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID134 Output transient overcurrent permanent fault'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID135 Output current unbalance permanent fault'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID136 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID137 Input mode setting error permanent fault'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID138 Input overcurrent permanent fault'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID139 Input hardware overcurrent permanent fault'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID140 Relay permanent fault'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID141 Bus unbalance permanent fault'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID142 Lightning protection permanent fault - DC side'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID143 Lightning protection permanent fault - AC side'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID144 '
      - name: "Fault 10"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        isstr: true
        registers: [ 0x040E ]
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID145 USB fault'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID146 WIFI fault'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID147 Bluetooth fault'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID148 RTC clock fault'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID149 Communication board EEPROM error'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID150 Communication board FLASH error'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID151 '
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID152 Safety regulation version error'
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID153 SCI communication error (DC side)'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID154 SCI communication error (AC side)'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID155 SCI communication error (convergence board side)'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID156 Software version inconsistency'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID157 Lithium battery 1 communication error'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID158 Li-ion battery 2 communication error'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID159 Lithium battery 3 communication error'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID160 Lithium battery 4 communication failure'
      - name: "Fault 11"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [ 0x040F ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID161 Forced shutdown'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID162 Remote shutdown'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID163 Drms0 shutdown'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID164 '
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID165 Remote down load'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID166 Logic interface down load'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID167 Anti-Reverse Flow Downgrade'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID168 '
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID169 Fan 1 failure'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID170 Fan 2 failure'
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID171 Fan 3 failure'
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID172 Fan 4 failure'
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID173 Fan 5 failure'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID174 Fan 6 failure'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID175 Fan 7 fault'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID176 Meter communication failure'
      - name: "Fault 12"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [ 0x0410 ]
        isstr: true
          - key: 0
            value: "No error"
          - key: 1
            value: 'ID177 BMS over-voltage alarm'
          - key: 2
            value: 'ID178 BMS undervoltage alarm'
          - key: 4
            value: 'ID179 BMS high temperature alarm'
          - key: 8
            value: 'ID180 BMS low temperature alarm'
          - key: 16
            value: 'ID181 BMS charge/discharge overload alarm'
          - key: 32
            value: 'ID182 BMS short circuit alarm'
          - key: 64
            value: 'ID183 BMS version inconsistency'
          - key: 128
            value: 'ID184 BMS CAN version inconsistency'
          - key: 256
            value: 'ID185 BMS CAN version is too low'
          - key: 512
            value: 'ID186 '
          - key: 1024
            value: 'ID187 '
          - key: 2048
            value: 'ID188 '
          - key: 4096
            value: 'ID189 Arc device communication failure'
          - key: 8192
            value: 'ID190 DC arc alarm fault'
          - key: 16384
            value: 'ID191 PID repair failed'
          - key: 32768
            value: 'ID192 PLC module heartbeat loss'