StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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Deye SUN 800 - Power per MPPT #276

Open WouterJN opened 1 year ago

WouterJN commented 1 year ago

In the solar man application I can see the power (Watt) per MPPT for my SUN800G3. This information is not shown in Home Assistant. Could power per MPPT be added?

DHLF commented 1 year ago

The SUN800G3 with two mppt transmits total power(watts) for BOTH(PV1+PV2) combined. As the data for each PV module is given in amps and voltage you can calculate it for yourself by multiplying both values: {{ states('sensor.deye_pv1_voltage') | float states('sensor.deye_pv1_current') | float }} {{ states('sensor.deye_pv2_voltage') | float states('sensor.deye_pv2_current') | float }} and of course for those with 4 mppts: {{ states('sensor.deye_pv3_voltage') | float states('sensor.deye_pv3_current') | float }} {{ states('sensor.deye_pv4_voltage') | float states('sensor.deye_pv4_current') | float }}

You have to change the naming for your setup so instead of deye_ you have to use whatever you typed when installing.

I am looking for a solution for the 4mppt(2000G3) myself.. as this may be the proper calculation but hence.. i am unable to create new "identities" like deye_pv1_power YET. Putting this stuff in the configuration.yaml did not help as the new "identities" cant be seen anywhere -.-

  - platform: template
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      value_template: {{ states('sensor.deye_pv1_voltage') | float * states('sensor.deye_pv1_current') | float }}
DHLF commented 1 year ago

Crawling around I may have found a solution: Putting this into the /config/configuration.yaml:

  - sensor:
      - name: deye_2k_pv1_wattz
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv1_voltage') | float) * (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv1_current') | float) }}"
        icon: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"
      - name: deye_2k_pv2_wattz
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv2_voltage') | float) * (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv2_current') | float) }}"
        icon: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"
      - name: deye_2k_pv3_wattz
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv3_voltage') | float) * (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv3_current') | float) }}"
        icon: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"
      - name: deye_2k_pv4_wattz
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv4_voltage') | float) * (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv4_current') | float) }}"
        icon: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"

The -name: deye_2k_pv1_wattz will be the entity name which should be usable in HA. You may change it like you wish, this example is my definition to divert between different installed microinverters.

If you installed solarman WITHOUT changing the prefix the "states" will be known as "sensor.solarman_pv1_voltage" and "sensor.solarman_pv1_current". Change it to your setup.

Some things to keep in mind: 1.) you MUST restart HA. Just changing the configuration.yaml will do nothing otherwise.. 2.) If the sun is down so the values are not valid and.. error will be shown as the value "undefined" is no float :D You may use a conditional Card using sensor_solarman_status_connection comparing to connected to hide error cards. 3.) If you got only 2mppts dont use the last two entries as the entities will not be found and error will be shown -.-

BTW the strange wattz naming was just because i wanted to find them quick..

Edit: Tested this today and.. it works(somehow). The new identities (name:deye_2k_pv1_wattz) can now be found using the entities page and they are called sensor.deye_2k_pv1_wattz.

There are slight "artifacts" in the history of the new "helper-sensors". But it finally works :)

DHLF commented 1 year ago

Another missing part(dunno if this is the correct way.. anyway it works..): The new identities will not be usable in "type: history-graph"-cards.

To let them be known to HA you will have to add another line state_class:"measurement" to each entity (into /config/configuration.yaml like shown above):

      - name: deye_2k_pv1_wattz
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv1_voltage') | float) * (states('sensor.deye_2k_pv1_current') | float) }}"
        state_class: "measurement"
        icon: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"

After a restart of HA it may took around 10 minutes+ until the new entities show up

awalon commented 8 months ago

Thanks, just added 2 PVs based on this solution with some error handling (0 value, if disconneced):

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: "Deye PV1 Power"
          unique_id: calc_deye_pv1_power
          unit_of_measurement: "W"
          value_template: >-
            {% if not is_state('sensor.deye_pv1_voltage', ['unknown', 'unavailable'] )
                 and is_number(states('sensor.deye_pv1_voltage')) -%}
               {{ states('sensor.deye_pv1_voltage') | float * states('sensor.deye_pv1_current') | float }}
            {%- else -%}
            {%- endif %}
          device_class: "power"
          icon_template: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"
          friendly_name: "Deye PV2 Power"
          unique_id: calc_deye_pv2_power
          unit_of_measurement: "W"
          value_template: >-
            {% if not is_state('sensor.deye_pv2_voltage', ['unknown', 'unavailable'] )
                 and is_number(states('sensor.deye_pv2_voltage')) -%}
               {{ states('sensor.deye_pv2_voltage') | float * states('sensor.deye_pv2_current') | float }}
            {%- else -%}
            {%- endif %}
          device_class: "power"
          icon_template: "mdi:solar-power-variant-outline"